Thursday, June 11, 2009

Invitation to Yoga

What is yoga? Speaking surface, an interesting, exciting discipline helps to be in good physical shape. Yoga normalizes the functioning of internal organs; improve blood circulation, the work of the respiratory and hormonal systems. Yoga relieves stress, helps to cope with the effects of physical injuries and serious illnesses. Well, if in more detail, the yoga - this is an amazing system, you can even say a way of life, which can remain vibrant and healthy. Thanks to yoga to the man returned to a sense of general well-being. But a sense of well-being, acquired through yoga is different from the release endorphin encouraged western gym (fitness, aerobics, etc.). Doing yoga, we feel the beauty of the world around us. Yoga sharpens the feeling of love, joy and harmony. Yoga helps us to live otherwise; it returns a sense of integrity. 

In the sphere of the spirit of the Universe, the mind and body are in harmony. 

Probably no man in our days, which would not have heard about yoga. All around talking about it. Movie stars, singers, professional athletes in a firm voice that yoga - fountain of youth. Almost every week in the press, there are articles about yoga. Doctors recommend yoga. If you fly frequently, you probably noticed that the aircraft appeared audio meditation to facilitate long flights! Even business magazines write about this miracle. A great number of companies offer yoga during a lunch break. Every self-respecting fitness club feels obliged to include classes of yoga in the calendar. In addition, while the popularity of yoga has increased in recent times, in our submission yoga often remains somewhat inaccessible and unknown. 

Interestingly, despite the popularity of yoga, for many it still seems something discharged from life, and yogi is associated with half-ascetics sitting in twisted positions or having the wonders of human abilities - walking on broken glass, or breath holding under water for long periods time. In the meantime, it is through their exercises, they could well trained your body and mind. 

We can use yoga in the modern world. Moreover, in the modern world with its speed and the stress it helps us the most. You can do plastic surgery on his face, you can fix the hip, abdomen or chest, but there are things that always give our age. They do not hide and they do not escape. For example, the spine. With yoga, we stretch it, releasing space for all internal organs, them during the exercises, thus helping our body to function better and slow the aging process. If our mind is active, it would be nice and active body. 

Those benefits that you receive through the yoga amaze yourself. They exceed the most daring expectations. You will become physically healthy, joyful, cheerful and calm. That is why all around talking about yoga! I am therefore pleased to invite you in this exciting journey, which means the movement will be yoga, and destination - your "I". In addition, just think: for this you only have to perform some simple exercises. Yes, it is simple, because we will move slowly, while listening to your body, gradually complicating asana to coordinate their breathing, real-breath while preparing the body and mind. 

There are several myths associated with yoga. Let us look at them. 

Myth 1. Yoga needs to be tackled a few hours a day; otherwise, there would be no benefit 

It is not so! Well would, of course, to give classes a few hours a day, but it is not important. Home - remember that it is better to exercise for 5 minutes each day than one or two hours, but once a week. Let your supervisor and mentor to his own body. Sometimes the physical form will not allow you to deal with a lot, but on other days you will sit longer. Sometimes you would even think that you - so you unlaced this class. 

Myth 2. The names of items are too difficult, they say, much less remember, it is simply impossible 

Suppose that you are not afraid of complicated names and asanas, there are many Russian equivalents, which are easily remembered. 

Myth 3. Yoga can only deal with young 

This is not true. No matter how old is you, you can begin to engage in yoga and get a great benefit. You can slow down the aging process at any age, so the sooner the better (it is important to remember that children under 6 years of age should not engage in yoga!). 

Myth 4. To engage in yoga, you must be very flexible 

This is one of the most common myths, and he absolutely has no soil. Because of this bias, many do not even want to start classes, worrying that they will never be able to achieve the proper execution of poses. Believe me, this is not so! No matter how flexible your body, you can still engage in yoga. And get this favor. For example, I am by nature quite plastic, and my friends a long time believed that because I am doing yoga, that I should be so readily available that I can bend or roll into any asana without problems. I took quite a long time dissuade them. 

Yoga poses have been useful for me too, despite my natural flexibility. Simply, in contrast to the other, I need to do more to achieve a positive effect. It is not enough to reach fingertips to the floor during the tilt forward, I need to put his hands on the floor, only in this case, I extend my spine and get a positive effect. If your body is not flexible, you can pull as much as possible, even bending his knees, and I assure you - the positive effect of your body is provided. 

Myth 5. There is no point in starting to engage, it is still not able to do so, as other 

Yoga - this is not a competition. You do not need to compete with friends or other students in the class. You do not have to compete even with him. Yoga does not care how much you can raise a leg or a long stay in a fetal position. You should work with their bodies at their level. When you have to put effort, do not let the spirit of competition to get into your world of yoga. 

You can do yoga at any time. If you follow a few exercises, you feel enough, you can try a few exercises. Even after the few items, you may want to work repeatedly. Listen to your body; keep in mind their physical and psychological condition. Your body always tells you what exactly you need now - more relaxing and relaxing asanas or more uniformed and energetic. 

Very often those who are just beginning to show great enthusiasm and to feel the greatest effect, trying to perform some advanced postures from books or magazines. I want to warn you of this (although, as I was not warned, I did at one time tried to perform difficult poses, to which my body was not ready, as a result led to a rather lengthy pain in the spine - fortunately, I managed to not injury). It is important to remember that illustrate the exercises - this is some kind of conventional benchmarks, an ideal model that does not take into account the unique structure of your body. Yes, it is unique, because the body of each of us is unique, because the second such no. In addition, the charm of yoga is that it allows you to save and enhance the health and beauty of your body. 

Tips and yoga exercises may seem simple and sometimes even too simple (well, actually, is from this simple exercise can be a benefit?), But if you try, you will be surprised at how well you will feel and how well you will look at provided they perform.

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