Thursday, June 11, 2009

The benefits of yoga for children

Children's pattern of life in our times even more stressful than the adult. Doctors emphasize that children have a greater plasticity of mentality and much better new information. However, this does not mean that children do not need a breathing space in the form of a change of events or loads of sports. 

Children's Yoga in Russia are not as prevalent as in the United States and Europe, however, it can balance the life of a child and naturally turn his attention to the complexities of learning and computer games on the concentration of attention and relaxation. 

Of course, in order that the child engaged in yoga, instructor's advice, especially if the child has any diseases. But even in the absence of such a possibility, parents who are interested in a harmonious upbringing of the child, can do yoga with him! 

First, on the benefits of yoga for children 

First, yoga does not require special equipment - just comfortable clothes and athletic mat. Yoga practice can be a few minutes a day, for example, for charging the morning (as well as for the evening) should be only 10-15 minutes. Moreover, children's yoga instructors argue that charging may consist of only a few asana, requiring no special physical effort, just these exercises help your body wake up. 

Secondly, children are usually very interested in yoga, as many asana - this display of natural phenomena. Explaining to children the origin of an asana and its benefits to the body, can in no small degree of interest their yoga. 

Thirdly, there are many scientifically proven facts positive effects of yoga on children's health. Moreover, its therapeutic effect applies to many diseases, for example, British researchers recently received excellent results yoga therapy for children with autism (variance in the mental development of children, mainly expressed in persistent breach of contact with the outside world, and such children are extremely developed, have not for years volumetric mass of different information). The idea studies were that children are capable of far more than they expected, and focused yoga facilitate greater concentration, self, and not least, perceive them in society. 

In the fourth, yoga helps to build physical and mental endurance. A normal blood circulation, which provides yoga asana, promotes conservation health of all organs of the body and their children's normal development. For example, the problem of childhood obesity is so prevalent in today's world can be solved including through yoga. To note, according to statistics by WHO, one in ten children in the world suffering from obesity. We know that if a person in childhood and adolescence, there are excess kilos, it's likely that the problem of obesity will be to prosecute and in adulthood, which means the existence of many internal diseases ... that is why it is important to solve the problem of extra kilos in childhood. 

In the fifth, yoga can help in cases where a child has very little time for rest and relaxation. Techniques of Yoga provide a significant and deep relaxation, and hence - the restoration work. 

Here is what is advised for children's yoga instructors, if you decide to get the child to the art of yoga. 

1. Select a special time for yoga: morning or evening, depending on the schedule of the child. 

2. The morning sessions of asana is to create leaders who take invigorating effect, the evening must be combined with deep relaxation. 

3. Start classes must be 10 minutes; you can gradually increase the training to 20-30 minutes. However, this is only if a child normally brings the performance of all asana, and not feels tired at the end of classes. Out of practice: the best time of the employment of children under school age - 10-15 minutes, the middle school age - 20 minutes. 

4. To pay attention to the breath of a child - it should be done only through the nose! 

5. Yourself classes in game shape, let the child draw a tree or a flower, just as he sees it, and then show the asana in the correct form

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