Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep Breath

Whether you ever serious attention to breathing, this most important of all functions of the body? Have you ever thought that the most important of our physical and mental ailments due to the fact that we have not breathe. 

Life and breath - synonyms. Life is breath and lack of it - death. We live up to as long as we breathe, and breathe as long as we live. Whether awake or asleep, we never stop breathing. Without food you can live weeks or even months, without water for days but without air can not exist even a few minutes. The air - the most important breeding ground for the blood, which in turn nourishes the cells, muscles, glands and all organs. Condition of skin, bones, teeth, hair and nails depends on the state of the circulatory system. All the activities of the body from digestion to the creative thinking depend on oxygen supply. And yet we are all with complete indifference to treat breathing and absolutely do not pay attention to him. How many of you think that in the morning to do a deep breath? But this is much more important than the bath or even breakfast. 

The food never fails to fulfill its mission power if it gets into healthy blood and cell tissue. This makes oxygen. No matter how fresh and neither was well cooked food, however well it may be digested intestine, if there is a lack of oxygen, the ionization process (the transformation of food molecules into nutrients) will be incomplete, and the food will be acquired only partially - writes Philip Rice, a physician who devoted his life to juvenile delinquents. He claims that 55% of crime among juveniles is associated with anoxia, arising from a lack of fresh air from shallow breathing. 

Meanwhile, so easy to eliminate this cause will teach children to breathe properly. Where blood is not enough life-giving oxygen in its place is always an excess of poisonous carbon dioxide ... How can a child is well to reflect, when his brain is not getting enough food? Shallow breathing - one of many abnormal habits, imposed on us by modern civilization. We prove that in the civilized world is only natural breathing in infants. The difference between a deep sigh, and many surface similar to the difference between a loud scream and a series of weak whistling. To be healthy man should, do about 60 deep breaths per day. Shallow breathing is a direct or indirect cause of many physical and mental illnesses, ranging from-simple colds to nervous disorders. Stooping, narrow-chested, poor complexion, bad eyesight, poor memory, brain fatigue - all this may be the result of bad breath. For the correct operation of the brain requires three times more oxygen than the rest of the body. If he does not have enough food, he takes it from other organs. That is why intellectuals th labor often differ visually impaired and poor physique, millions of people, without knowing it, suffer from lack of oxygen. 

Deep breathing not only nourishes the body, but also cleans it. For our body, it, too, that the "spring-cleaning" for your home. Poorly ventilated rooms and stuffy room always smells impurity. Also our body. Only proper breathing provides good ventilation and cleanliness. It is recognized that smoking is prohibited in gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, that it prevents normal digestion, narrows blood vessels, speeds up the rhythm of the heart, raises the pressure.. Enhanced proliferation of smoking cause lung cancer .. During the period 1920-1948 he was. Mortality from lung cancer has increased in the U.S. with 1,1% to 11,3 per 100000 in 1938-1948 - has increased by 144%. 24 thousand people per year (19 and 5 tys.muzhchin tys.zhenschin) die from cancer of respiratory organs. But this does not stop smokers. And I'm not trying to force them to quit. Rather I suggest that you immediately begin breathing exercises and do them several times a day. By doing this you will ventilate the lungs and greatly reduce the harm from smoking. For each cigarette neutralizes or absorbs 25 mg. Vitamin C in the body. 

Take care of the body as a machine that will give you a hassle if oxygen can not pass freely through the motor. The same happens with the body. Poorly ventilated, it loses its resilience and is more susceptible to disease. Man is likened to a candle under the hood: it burns dimly. The slightest draft of air or temperature change leads to a cold. Appears susceptible to any infection. Do you suffer from arthritis and indigestion? At 40 years of her eyes. After 50 you are falling hair and teeth. Even before 60 years of age you're old, wrinkly, and lethargic. You have an old ruin in the years when your experience has been to make you useful and active member of society. 

We are paying dearly for the fact that we forget that we - the organizers, an organic part of nature. Despite technological advances, we are not machines. And to maintain physical and mental activity, we must again learn to live and start with the most important - with proper breathing. While we breathe all the time, hardly one in ten knows how to breathe deeply. This is not to draw the air with noise and puffing, blowing it. Even physical education instructors are doctors, nurses, singers are struck with a demonstration of deep yoga breathing. This is a special way of breathing fully, unlike any other. When it comes complete filling and complete emptying of the lungs, this is the "deep rhythmic breathing, taking place in accordance with its own pulse of every person. It combines deep breathing with each yoga exercises and asanas, and can be performed separately as a breather. Open powerful influence breathing, yoga breaths to prepare a detailed system of all that ever existed. 

It begins with a simple heals a deep breath and, ends with a complex type of breathing (pranayama), intended to awaken the forces dormant in the body. 

Prana - means breath, the absolute energy, and the pit - delay, pause. It consists pranayama - special ways of breaths, and exhalations of breath. 

In accordance with the teachings of Yoga Pranayama - a cosmic life energy, vital element that exists in the atmosphere in the form of fluids. It is contained in the sun, in water and in food. It manifests itself in any real life from bacteria to man and from minerals to plants. 

The existence of this powerful life force was known not only to yogis, but the ancient occult schools of Egypt, Greece, Tibet and China. Even the Bible ("Exodus") refers to a mysterious energy ("Tzu"). "Breath or Spirit - is life." 

Yoga claim that their breathing exercises, breath control, can increase the circulation of Prana in the human body, and the concentration of prana is extremely enhanced, if during the process of respiration comes to help the brain. 

Prana accumulated surplus in the solar plexus, which is like a battery energy of our body. 

Western science at first very skeptical about the doctrine of Prana, because it was impossible to record any instruments, so it was discarded as a non-existent. But gradually there came the change, and now Prana is often mentioned in occult literature. 

The air, saturated with the law - a life force, and a deep breath - the bridge between the atmosphere and Prana organism. Here, oxygen is more powerful impact on the hungry fibers and cells, rejuvenating the whole body. In breathing, as well as throughout the rest - it is important not only what we do, but how we do it ... The difference between breathing and breathing oxygen from the pillow - the same as between food and artificial diet. The first lesson and the cornerstone of yoga - is a lesson of deep rhythmical breathing. It nourishes and purifies the body and helps to create resistance against disease. It affects the brain, calms the emotions and nerves. Emotional balance, a good memory, clear head - this is the inevitable outcome of mastering a deep breath. It supports the health; nourish the weakened tissue, glands and organs wasted, helping to destroy the waste and excess fat from the total. 

Yoga believes that the deep, rhythmic breathing includes rights in general "rhythm of the universe." And it is not easy phraseology of the East. There is a deep meaning. 

Every living thing has a rhythm and moving - planets, stars, earth, sea, any insect, animal and man. To live and operate in harmony can only be as long as we maintain our individual rhythm. Coming out of it, we lose balance easily subjected to stimulation, sverhnapryazheniyu and neurosis, which can lead to a nervous breakdown and mental illness. 

In large cities the rhythm of the sensitive organism is often violated excessively fast tempo of life, jerks and irritating effect of opposing influences. Sometimes the rhythm of one individual powerful enough to have a bad or good influence on a group of people, society and even the entire nation. 

It was many years ago, yoga with rhythmic breathing learned to manage their own rhythm and resist influences that might break it. 

When you take a deep breath, you have to imagine that along with the air absorbs all those qualities and elements that you need, such as: health, strength, confidence, love, peace of mind and so on. Exhale; think about what you throw away unwanted quality - illness, fear, fatigue, hatred, anxiety, etc. If you regularly do so, within a few months, you'll see that it works, although it seems that it is too easy. But whether you do it? Or you wait, that will do the someone else that, alas, is impossible. 

Control of breathing in some degree gives power over mind and senses. Especially great spiritualistic value of deep breathing. The state of enlightenment, which is achieved through concentration, belongs to secret, esoteric teachings of yoga. 

Deep breathing should always be carried in a well ventilated room or an open window when it's not very cold. Do not do it on full stomach. Belts, bras, tight dresses should be removed. Ideal position for a deep breath - this is the lotus posture, if it suits you. Most of it is initially difficult. I could not accept it. Then sit on the carpet, his legs crossed like a tailor, or a chair, resting his hands on his lap. The back and pozvopochkik should be perfectly straight. It is very important. Incidentally, this is correct and poor posture. If you can not sit up straight, then the better stand. If you are chained to the bed, lie stretched out. 

Now start breathing, closing your mouth and gently squeezing the throat and make slow breaths. You will hear a quiet hissing sound coming from the back of the throat. This is a sign that - you breathe correctly. Do not push on his chest; do not let the chest rise during inspiration, and force the chest handed out to the sides. Now slowly exhale to the same hissing sound, compressing the chest. 

You just took a deep breath. Could you define whether you are on the upper sky and on the back of the throat pressure inhalation and exhalation? If yes, then everything is fine. Nostrils sniffed the air (as if sniffing) is wrong, a sign of correctness is a hissing sound. If the pharynx is compressed excessively, then the weak hiss becomes pohrapyvanie. This is also true, as overstrain throat. 

Now repeat the breath, breathing three times, and, sighing. For the first time no longer needed. Later in the day and evening, you can repeat the exercise. But first, do not make more than 4 breaths at a time. 

To set the rhythm of breath, count your pulse: 1,2,3,4 ... 1,3,3,4 ... - Several times. Then polovite hands on his knees and do deep breathing, mentally counting the four pulse beats in inspiration and 4 - on the exhale. Account must not interfere with the beat, respiration: it should be smooth, not jerky, in time to the account. Breathe in breathe, concentrate attention on fresh air, full of oxygen. Mentally see as oxygen fills your lungs, if you are in the body weakness; mentally direct the flow of oxygen there. Approximately a month inhale and exhale for 4 stroke rate. Until you learn how to breathe smoothly, without any effort, do not add expense. It'll pass, maybe more than a month before you add time to exit inhalation and exhalation. Take your time.  

In the first week do not make more than 4 breaths at a time, add 2 or three breathing exercises. The second week do 5 breaths and so each week adding one breathe, until you reach 60. This is the number of sections to 15 breaths 4 times a day, or 20, in the morning, day and evening. You can do twice a day. 

If you're doing the right thing deep breath, then very soon notice a marked improvement of his health. I have already said that this deep rhythmic breathing is an exercise. Do not try all the time to breathe this way. However, your breathing will automatically improve. And at night, you dream about and begin to breathe deeply. In the morning, as soon as you get up, just go to the open window, and do those few deep breaths. Likewise, Walk in the evening before bedtime. It is important that sleeping badly ventilated at night because at night we always lie and breathe deeply. Do not forget the ones that our bodies are breathing pores of the skin. Therefore, I advise you to sleep without pajamas and nightgown. Leather will always be fresh, supple and young. Start the summer and winter, add extra blankets. Do not coddle children; teach them to sleep without anything. And children and adults benefit such air baths. If the weather and conditions do not allow taking them on the street, try to walk as much as possible naked in the room during the exercise, classes, reading, grooming, etc.

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