Thursday, May 6, 2010

Breathing Exercises

1. Stand up straight, pull the hands forward. A deep breath and delay his hands apart and down several times. Hands deleted vigorously exhale mouth open. 

2. Stand up straight. Hands forward. Breath: the delay waving like a windmill. Vigorous exhale mouth open. 

3. Stand up straight. Get yourself a shoulder ends of his fingers. At a delay of inspiration to connect elbows to the chest and spreading out a few times. Vigorous exhale through the open mouth wide 

4.Vstat straight. Breathe three energetic steps. In the first third to pull out his hands, the second - in the side at shoulder level, at the third - up. With the strength to breathe out, open his mouth wide. 

5. Stand up straight. Breathe in, climb on their toes. Hold your breath, standing on tiptoe. Slow exhale through the nose, down on the heel. 

6. Stand up straight. Inspiratory rise on toes, exhale - squat. Then stand up.

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