Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yoga Facial cosmetic surgery

Yoga has now become the city's most fashionable fitness is one, almost all white-collar sisters attend all know the benefits of yoga, it can help us achieve the "body, mind, and spirit" and comprehensive practice. Yoga exercises can not only improve heart and lung function, reduce cholesterol levels; to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, help to discharge toxins, regulating the endocrine system, cultivate a balanced concentration, but also to maintain youthful beauty, so that accumulation of fat burning, enhance the body The flexibility, improve muscle strength, improve the body curve, while in strengthening the immune function to relieve the pressure to achieve physical and mental health realm. 

Since the last century 40's, yoga pass the United States Hollywood, became the star to maintain youthful beauty of the East Totaled surgery. As the film's rapid promotion and popularization of yoga quickly spread throughout the whole world. Even the international superstar Madonna is also through yoga to maintain a youthful appearance and vitality. Yoga Beauty Totaled surgery is indeed a well-deserved reputation, in fact, yoga has long had a saying: When did you start practicing yoga, your age will remain in that time! While this is Wucongkaozheng, but if you keep practicing yoga for more than six months, people will create a noticeable appearance of inner psychological and physiological changes, usually more than the actual age or younger 4-6 years of age peers, or even some more. 

Yoga beauty cosmetology many ways, such as reasonable and a healthy yoga diet can also ensure that the blood cleans and health. Proper conduct of the clean intestines and begun Fasting practice can achieve the purpose of cleansing the body. If combined with yoga breathing meditation and yoga posture method of training, all will have a multiplier of the special effects. What are the reasons for yoga to achieve such a strange effect? Its root principle of yoga is to rely on our own forces from the inside out to improve the conditioning. Our problem is that the skin reflects the situation within the body, endocrine disorder leading to skin prone to acne, acne, etc. the main reason. Do not clean the blood stain easily lead to the face there; blood running impeded has been expressed in looking bleak, dull. 

Yoga practice law in the first practice starting from the start position to the center of the body's spine exercise can promote digestion and absorption functions of regulation to speed up the body of toxins to exclude the nerve center of balance of the human endocrine system and thus. Postural training can be fresh blood diversion to the face, the promotion of blood on the skin nourished. In addition, yoga training is a higher interest rate adjustment of a method, which can make blood flow more smooth, the body becomes cleaner, let's face filled with luster, and further to reach Paiduyangyan effect.

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