Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Power yoga beautiful extension of the skin

Yoga, is definitely modern ease body and mind, the best way to pacify the tense soul, while the skin with the combination of yoga unlimited extension of the power of beauty to help your skin cells, adjusted to the most natural and most healthy state, creating the perfect. 

The busy times, visible and invisible pressures, such as the accompanying video, whether it is suffering from heart or the skin are destroyed, the saying goes, "skin is the best response to the soul," more and more people spend more and more energy to concern itself, The best way to find a soul and skin to adjust to the perfect state. 

Skin Yoga first type - the interest rate adjustment 

                                                                         HOW TO DO

Yoga is a combination of skin and skin cells, Jinxing, as elements of the Resurrection, when your soul into the peaceful state of the environment, the mood immediately calm down, relax and happy feeling wells up, inner "self" has presented the confidence and satisfaction, while the confidence and satisfaction is a powerful driving force for the vitality of the skin glow and will therefore be adjusted to best flavor is to obtain a first step towards beautiful skin. 

Let them stay with you for 

Music - listen to the power from the notes 

There is a very interesting argument, saying that the ancients would "listen" so the word design, wish to convey is the need to listen to "14 hearts with an ear", and did not use the heart and ears, is not enough to "listen" . Hear the beautiful melody, can not hear the melody more beautiful, when the music notes passed through the inner ear, bring out the best soul voice, and that is music to our strength. Relaxation for your skin well prepared for his body in a slow and melodious music, will concentrate the mind to the ear, heart rhythm will automatically adjust the pulse of rhythm to the skin directly into the bottom, activating cells, kinetic energy, activation, repair damaged and aging cells, so that the skin to restore luster to the music. 

Aroma - the natural meditation in Jinxing 

Aroma itself is a pleasant experience, will be essential oils used in a variety of purposes, to help the body to restore inner balance and reconcile, while improving the skin condition. From the moment we breathe the aroma, the divine essence of the plant began to rest up our bodies and minds. Experience the natural aroma from the plants there are a variety of ways, including Aromatherapy and inhalation is considered to ease the nerves of the most effective way to adjust the flavor. 

How to do 

Inhalation: In a Xiao pen added to the water and juniper essential oils essential oils drop of milk, mix thoroughly and then immersed in the water absorption of thin cloth in water, wring dry Fuyu forehead and cover the eyes, lie down and relax, from a few to 8, slow deep breathing suspend the breath and count to four, from a few to 6, will air from the mouth Tu Jin. Repeat five times, so that beneath pure mind, heart rhythm steady, maintaining physical and mental best. 

Aroma Law: Aromatherapy method cans not only conditioning the skin to ease the pressure, while fragrance can make at home full of flowers and fragrance powder, enjoying the forest air bath. But we know that a different fragrance oils is a step with the efficacy. Bergamot can soothe anxiety, refreshing, fresh, so feel cheerful at the same time has a calming effect. Magnolia essential oils can promote blood circulation, smooth pores, shiny skin, people calmly. As a beginner for the lavender, sweet orange essential oil, rose oil is a good choice. 

Bath Method: Bath is a good way to renewal and the body to help rule out the skin and body waste, easy access to an easy. You can trickle-down bathtub 8-10 drops of lavender essential oil, essential oils evenly into the water, let the body fully immersed in water, essential oils through the pores of the essence of ingredients deeply into the skin deep, while the hot water temperature can stimulate cell regeneration is more conducive to in the absorption, reduce physical and mental stress. 

Candlelight - the warmth of light and shadow power 

The face of life stress and social competition, you might say human cold, warm feeling less and less. Is time to turn off all the lights, the midpoint on a few lights in the dark candles, orange-red candle in the dark will make you feel a strong inner sense of warmth and happiness. Psychologists through the study found that a sense of feeling of warmth and happiness will help the body to relieve pain, regulate immunity, while maintaining mental and physical balance and harmony is the best way to guarantee healthy beauty. 

Skin Yoga second type - Detox 

The essence of yoga is breathing Dafa, in a call a smoke, the stretch the body, stimulate and sustain qualitative. In fact, your skin also needs "breathing meditation", emit toxins, purify the skin, make it transparent, Hydra, just like new. 

Detoxification, detoxification, most important 

Deterioration in the external environment makes the body's natural detoxification enzyme system is unable to work, another as overwork, mental stress and lifestyle is not normal, unbalanced diet can cause cells to produce more waste, so that the cycle of dermal tissue fluid occurs barriers, break between the dermis and epidermis of nutrition delivery. Epidermal cells can not be absorbed into the gas and the required nutrients, they will lose their vitality and regenerative capacity, the skin will appear dull, dull even gradually loses its elasticity. 

When the skin appears abnormal situation of the above, usually would "strengthen the moisture" as the focus of care. Now, however, skin, scientists found that simply is not enough moisture to the skin, the skin like a dirty pool, if not first filtered into the clear water on again and again to show up is still bleak opaque skin. Filter that is to help the skin detoxification, detoxification as a skin care should be paramount. 

Step1: Exfoliates 

The thick horny skin is caused by the direct cause of the bleak; some products are "the first time paint on an effective" feeling, in fact, because that contains exfoliating ingredients to make skin texture immediately apparent and transparent. Critique, SK-II Skin brands such as water (god of water) have a slight exfoliating ingredients can use every day, it will not hurt the skin. 

Step2: to promote micro-circulation 

If the skin viability is insufficient to absorb nutrients from the skin-care products, with even the best skin care products is nothing but a psychological comfort. Have therefore chosen to have the activation of skin cells, promote skin metabolism and microcirculation of the skin care products at the same time with appropriate massage techniques, maintenance of effect can be achieved without straw. 

Step3: supplemental oxygen 

The external environment in the waste, if too many accumulate in the skin's dermal layer, can lead to damaged lymphatic circulation, poor skin microcirculation, supply oxygen and Oxygen shortage of cells, culminating in the loss of vitality of the skin to become dry and An Huang. Many brands have chosen as the essence of green tea antioxidant ingredients to achieve the effect; studies have shown that green tea extract has strong antioxidant effects that can resist the external environment on the skin damage. 

Detoxification TIPS: anytime, anywhere row detoxification 

Simple and easy to wash your face detoxification: First wash your face with warm water, then washed with cold water for 30 seconds, and then warm water, and then cold water. Alternating hot and cold wash method, can promote blood circulation, is also a little know-how to promote detoxification. 

Bath Salt filtering skin toxins: bath salts bath once popular in Japan, not only has magic slimming effect, but also have a good detoxification effect. Sustainable use of natural coarse salt baths, in conjunction with massage skin, skin cells, help to promote circulation and metabolism, speed up the body of waste excreted. 

Self-Lymphatic Massage: The Lymphatic more under the arms, collarbone, face and ears at the junction of focus, starting with the nose slowly and deeply massage on both sides until the ears, and finally from the forehead along the face side of the slow - slow to clavicle to complete the face of detoxification. Remember, we must push down the texture of skin, three times a week, in the face after each cleansing, getting the make-up water and then carry out detoxification products. Do not any moisture in the coated product is not the case of press, so as not to harm the skin. 

Conditioning work and rest habits: for accustomed to the modern night life, in order to change their lives overnight on the rest really is not easy, but the lack of regular sleep, irregular eating will naturally damage the skin, leading to premature skin aging, so in order to Beautiful skin, timely adjustment of work and rest time, to develop good sleep habits, but the natural recipe for skin beauty. 

To eat "out" toxins 

Eating fungi: fungi, especially mushrooms and black fungus, there are cleaning the blood and detoxification functions. 

Drink fresh juice: eat fresh vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables without cooking stir-leaf is the body's "clean agent", to remove the body of toxins and waste accumulation. 

Drink beans soup: bean soup helps the body excrete a variety of toxic, promoting metabolism within the organism. 

Eat vitamins: eat foods containing a variety of vitamins can absorb oils and fats, but also can prevent the body produces cancer-causing substances, at the same time, vitamin can promote food quickly excreted through the intestinal tract. 

The third type skin Yoga - Massage 

The third type skin Yoga - Massage 

The body through yoga stretching exercises to purify body and mind, drawing forth the spirit of purpose, although the skin of your face is no way the same as the physical extension, but through massage can achieve the same effect, in the fingertip gently jump between, so you the skin to be completely relaxation and ease. Massage, skin soft, pores open, when to use make-up water and nutrients before they can fully penetrate inside the skin. Simple massage techniques you can easily get to his own at home do not necessarily go to beauty salons to be completed, the following are some of his own at home can do massage on the way, if sustained, means properly, the next one Refreshing beauty is you no doubt. 

Nourishing Massage Cream: multi-compound contains a unique formula; you can remove horny skin and dead skin, clean skin. Essence and a variety of vitamins ingredients, in easing the skin while helping to activate the skin cells, enhance blood circulation, so that the skin is more Bach. 

Clean Type massage cream: You can clean pores, soften dirt horny metabolism and promote lymphatic drainage. The first type of massage cream heavy security, plus much without the active ingredient, suitable to clean pores, improve the skin are. 

Mask Massage Cream: Mask Massage Cream Massage mask generally refers to sand and "sauna-type" mask. Sand-type massage mask like scrub, of course, it is not ordinary scrub less coarse, small sand were removed from the mask in a thick paste, the ensure that the massage can mask the skin and the air layer formed between the isolated intact. "Sauna-type" mask, through the "thermal effect of + facial massage", so that the same skin as the washed steam bath Relax, coupled with increased thermal massage will help the rapid penetration of active ingredients. 

Massage Key Words: 

Key words 1: intensity 

Here the "degree" and refers to the intensity and speed. Gentle strength in order to have the desired effect; do not casually battle fingers, coarse skin Lula pulled, with the middle finger and ring finger with the most appropriate. Massage to have a certain sense of rhythm, speed should not be too fast or too slowly, quietly listening to his heartbeat, the best in line with the rate of heart beat. 

Keywords 2: Time 

Massage time is too long or too short are not desirable, we must regard the nature of the skin, condition and age to determine. In general, oily skin massage time can be longer, weekly massage 15 - 20 minutes; dry skin is shorter week, 5 - 10 minutes; neutral skin every 10 - 15 minutes; sensitive skin up to 5 minutes, or more seriously, can not massage. In addition, women under the age of 25 due to skin elasticity and metabolism better massage per week 5 - 10 minutes is enough. 

Keywords 3: Direction 

A good grasp of the direction is actually very simple and muscles towards convergence, the key is to make the skin and muscle with the movement, feel that they are incorporated as a whole. Remember that a little trick to keep your fingers at right angles to the movements and wrinkles. Because wrinkles with the muscle at right angles to the direction are, so the finger at right angles to the movements and wrinkles, that is, conform to the direction of the muscle.

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