Sunday, January 17, 2010

Every day Meditation allows you to better health

Meditation has the role to help people reduce stress. Regularly meditation, adjustable large brain, so that the brain is under pressure to relax. Therefore, meditation were more likely than the average person to achieve a calm and happy state. The famous actress Heather Graham under the guidance of Dr. Zeng Zai began practicing meditation, every day in practice and in the afternoon after getting up 20 minutes, she said: "In the past because of some little things I always worry about long-term worries, in fact meaningless. meditation let me know, peace of mind is the most important, if you have had this calm, you have everything. " 

Some large brain systems experts used sophisticated imaging technology to do testing, more exciting conclusion: In the depth of meditation, the brain as the body will experience the same subtle changes, meditation mind can be trained and re-transformation of the brain institutions; can be in the brain the face of depression, over-excitement and other spiritual dimensions, the reconstruction of a balance. 

Functional diseases in the body, the meditation has also played a major role. Many medical studies have shown: meditation can prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, prostate disease, but also to prevent, reduce or control of AIDS, cancer and other chronic diseases, pain arising from the same time, can improve the body's immunity. There the researchers said, meditation techniques of those higher immune system function better. Qiongkabeite founder of the first meditation Zien decompression clinics. Over the years, he used meditation has helped more than 14,000 people to alleviate the pain caused due to sickness.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is a feeling of truth & salvation. we can really reach heights with practice of yoga.Meditation plays a major role in alleviating the pain caused by sickness.
