Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga Nidra

The practice of Yoga Nidra 

Yoga Nidra - a twilight state of mind between waking and sleeping. Comprehending science of Yoga Nidra, you will gradually penetrate into the hidden nature of your mind and dismissed by many mental strata infringing your real Ya is significant that in normal circumstances waking conscious mind is activated, but when you relax, awaken the subconscious and unconscious areas of your mind, providing you the opportunity to influence the roots of the disease, systems and fears that bear fruit in the conscious mind. 

It is these areas of your mind are the true reserves of your power. In fact, a very simple technique of Yoga Nidra can penetrate into the so-called "Dead" zone of consciousness. The subconscious mind - a diligent student and an executive, who immediately comply with any orders. Regularly practicing Yoga Nidra, you learn to control the subconscious mind, for which obediently follow and your conscious, rational mind. 

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