Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga Nidra and shavasana

Recommendations for the practice of Yoga Nidra and Shavasana 

In the morning, after the practice of asanas, you can listen Shavasana. In the middle of the day, when it is felt mild fatigue, for example, after work or school, you can listen to Yoga Nidra. It is advisable to listen to Yoga Nidra every day one at a time. If relaxation does not go head does not turn off during the entire record nidra, you can practice and two days on a daily basis. 

Yoga Nidra - a panacea for the everyday stress, nervousness and sleeplessness. Half an hour of quality practice of yoga nidra is equivalent to the usual 2 hours of sleep! In this practice, no effort has not. All you want - it aside for a 20 minute time to lie down on a flat hard surface without a pillow (for example, on the floor), heat to escape, to hide blindfold (if you are a day) and follow the instructions of the speaker. 

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