Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga Nidra and Susceptibility

Everyday life blunts the susceptibility for most people, but Yoga Nidra expands and deepens this susceptibility. Just as the molten iron can be given any shape, and the molten Yoga Nidra mind can change in a constructive way, if it burned his complexes and opaseneiya. This also deals with Yoga Nidra. For example, if I call something right or wrong, you can agree with me or not, and this will be your only rational solution, not more, for a single agreement is not a willful act of embodying my statement in your daily life. What are the obstacles? 

There are many reasons why it is so difficult to practically implement our ideas. All the lofty ideals of life should not remain on paper only the scriptures - they should live together with us, if they are true. Yoga Nidra enables us at last to touch the mystery of our spiritual identity, which is responsible for everything we think and do. Through Yoga Nidra, we can begin to act in the name of those ideals in which we believe. I once met a professional thief and a hardened criminal. After a lengthy conversation with him I, I thought, convinced him that stealing is not good. He even called himself a sinner. And I thought it a miracle that I drew it on the right path. 

Five years later, I returned to his village and found that he is still engaged in their craft. Why? Because he agreed with me that stealing is bad on the level of sound mind, not unconscious. I decided to stay in this country for another six months to spend in school classes in Yoga Nidra with teachers and children. Interestingly, the thief also attended my classes and soon ceased to steal. This example illustrates that a rational persuasion is small, because it is only one aspect of human consciousness. Each of us has their own idea about what is good and what is bad, but not all follow these ideas. 

Need to develop a sensitivity to everything, what we encounter. This is possible only when the stimuli were removed and the mind begins to calm down. When a well-balanced mind is faced with a stimulus, consciousness is not distorted, and sends people the best way. If a person entered into a state of receptivity, practicing Yoga Nidra, you can tell him about his shortcomings, suggesting to him the positive installation. If its sensitivity reached its climax, he will have to listen and obey, because of his rational mind has lost its activity in the same proportion. Understand human nature Before practice Yoga Nidra, pursuing a goal, try to understand the nature of the person you are going to re-educate or your practice can cause his loathing. 

Despite the fact that you offer people great and lofty ideas during a session of Yoga Nidra, a person can not follow them. It happens that someone is inside us like rebels against the established rules, procedures and laws. This is because the idea stuck in our minds, contrary to our true nature. Each of us has a personal identity of nature, which is impossible and unnecessary to remove. Yogis call this the nature of "svabhava", ie innate nature. We can change habits, religious habits, but not human nature, which accompanies man through his whole life, being the main cause of all his achievements and mistakes. 

To understand the nature, it is necessary to study the spontaneous and not a rational human behavior. But adults are so overloaded with different concepts and so-called rules, that their behavior is rarely a natural and spontaneous. Not so children who are almost always naturally and easily included in the state of Yoga Nidra, extracting maximum benefit from it ...

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