Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is Hathy Yoga?

Hatha yoga - an ancient Indian system of keeping the body in optimal physical condition. The literal translation of the word Hatha - the power, fury, violence, the need, effort. And ha - the sun, tha - moon, it is an alliance of the sun and moon, activity and relaxation. The original purpose of hatha yoga is to bring the body into a state of full health, so that the body was not a burden of spiritual development. The practice of hatha yoga is mainly in the performance of asanas, static postures. 

Particular attention is paid to health, flexibility and tone of the spine. A unique feature of hatha yoga exercises are stimulating hormonal glands and performing massage the internal organs. Stimulation of the hormonal system helps maintain balanced emotions and promotes a more optimistic attitude towards life. In addition to physical exercises, yoga lodge includes methods for purification of the internal organs and establishes the principles of proper nutrition. 

Hatha yoga - is work with the consciousness through the body. Hatha yoga classes to prevent many diseases and contributes to getting rid of existing ones. Exercises Hatha Yoga strengthen the body and create a feeling of joy of life. Hatha yoga sharpens the mind and help concentration, allows control of all their actions and expressions, starting with the body and ending with the full control of consciousness. 

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