Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hatha Yoga - is not a sport and flexibility

The main and fundamental difference between hatha yoga from the sport in that, although this work with the physical body, she focuses on consciousness. Speaking simplistically, it is composed of three main components: the specific physical exercises - "asanas," breathing exercises - pranayam, working with consciousness in the form of concentration - meditation techniques. From the perspective of modern medicine hatha yoga can be called a "psycho-physical gymnastics. 

Hatha yoga is considering the physical human body only as a tool to work with the mind and the harmony of the internal and external health. Therefore, during training a person must necessarily relax, put aside all extraneous thoughts and focus only on his own body and the processes occurring within it. 

In the system of hatha yoga is a great attention is paid to health, and thus the beauty of the body. Many exercises in the lodge aims at cleansing and strengthening, increase its flexibility by using specially selected sequences of asanas (poses). When performing asanas all the attention is focused practitioner within the body. But the practice of hatha yoga - is not just relaxation or stress a particular muscle group to properly perform the exercises, but it is primarily active work with the internal world. 

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