Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Recommendations for Classes Hatha Yoga

The main recommendation to engage in hatha yoga - the regularity and regularity of practice! 

Observe moderation in hatha yoga, especially at the initial stage, when more difficult to adequately assess their strength and capabilities. Most of the people of our time is accustomed to consumer relationships by type of purchase things in the supermarket: if you wanted, and immediately purchased. With Hatha yoga is not taking place, so many, starting (and in fact have not started), quickly "cool down", referring to the habits of ordinary life - trends. 

Need to start by learning hatha yoga, listen to your body, to show interest in what actually happens in your life measuring what and how, and under the influence of something changes, then there must be sincere keenness to him and everything that surrounds you without needing to clean mechanics and technology. 

It is very important in connection with the peculiarities of hatha yoga classes in our climate, because the body sometimes quite violently react to seasonal changes (changes in the light of day, etc.), and if you do not feel at the moment, it does not mean that do not. For example, from observations on Hatha yoga studies found that stretching the muscles is the best in the spring - early summer, and the power asanas better mastered and worked through the winter, etc. 

The issue boils down, ultimately to the awakening of genuine interest to themselves and the world, the desire to know its own essence when practicing hatha yoga, to eventually come to believe the need to change and change, and urgent, because life as we know, is short, despite sometimes seeming boredom stretching days. 
On the other hand, we must clearly understand that the sincerity of your intentions in the classroom hatha yoga plays an important role. After all, in the way of yoga should be ready for difficult trials and disappointments. 

Not for nothing because yoga, like love, compared with fire, indeed, it magically helps us to rise to become stronger, to feel the joy of life, but at the same time, she ruthlessly burn all our imperfections. Once we understand that all efforts in practicing yoga, no matter how desperate and difficult as they are, not in vain, and rewarded with a vengeance.

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