Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga for Women: the role of women in society

In addition to these traditional roles of women in this age of global competition have to play some additional roles: doctor, lawyer, politician, teacher - and with them she copes well. However, when the daily struggle saps even the upper limits of its endurance, physical and mental fatigue lead to a weakening of its natural interest in family and children, and then to the indifference and disappointment. 

The organism is known, must pass through all four stages of its development: 
childhood, adolescence, middle age and old age. At all four stages of changes occur in the psyche, and each person is faced with internal problems and internal conflicts. This leads to dysfunction of physical and mental functions, and the woman (and men) have spent a lot of energy to achieve emotional balance during transition periods. 

Maternity - women's purpose. This is not a simple physical condition, and the state of the divine. Motherhood adorns its sacred attributes such as love, selflessness, loyalty, tolerance, kindness and hard work. For her, the highest religion - it Svadharma. These properties are deeply embedded in the nature of women. Sometimes, being suppressed by the difficulties of existence, it is because of their characteristics is somewhat servile, as it can not cope with lots of responsibilities entrusted to it by nature. Sometimes she wants freedom and intellectual take-off, but religious beliefs hinder her and return her sense of duty. Gita to teach women to perform all its duties without expecting a reward. The endless struggle of women and mothers associated with labor and responsibility, taught her sensibly perceived inconsistency of the world, without losing composure. 

All this - the role of mother, wife, sister and friend - a woman is given a heavy price, both in physical and mental terms. Stabilization of the physical and mental states achieved through the asanas and pranayama. In their performance - her salvation.

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