Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yoga holidays

One of the things of yoga is that while you have a mat and comfortable clothes that stretch is ready to begin. But there is something else ... The next time someone asks what you want gifts, consider getting a pillow or bolster yoga "(see the cushion shown). 

The use of the cushion provides a concrete way to give a little love when you're very tired, frantic or loaded. Also, subtly, you can use to imply a need for loving care, for example, when I pull out my head, my husband knows it's time to give me a little tenderness. 

The rest on this cushion feels great, in part because his support stimulates the muscles to release smoothly and gradually. Using the cushion to support your body weight you can experience the benefits of yoga postures without having to exert much effort. Being in a totally passive, you can feel completely relaxed and in that place of sweet relaxation, your body is more receptive to receive the benefits of each pose. 

I present below my favorite yoga poses restorative that make good use of the head or other alternatives such as a pillow tight, firm pillows or several folded blankets. 

Position the child sustained 
Sit on the floor beneath you shins, fingers and toes without bending your knees wide open. Place the pillow on the floor between his thighs, as close as possible and rest his groin forward, resting his torso and head on the pillow and arms where they feel most comfortable. Turn your head sideways. After a minute or two, turn the head to the other side and stay in that pose for the same amount of time. 

Benefits: Relieves tension in the lower back and opens the hips. Quiets the mind and makes you feel like a baby. 

Torque Position held 
Sit on the floor with the shins under you, then, turn your left hip and descánsela on the floor. Place the pillow on the floor to her left hip, perpendicular to the hip and bring your hands toward the floor, one on each side of the cushion. Use your hands as leverage to turn your torso to the left as far as I can and then forward lean back until your stomach, ribs and head resting on the pillow. Place your right cheek on the pillow and rest your arms where they feel most comfortable. Stay here and breathe for two or three minutes. Repeat in reverse on the other side. 

Benefits: Massages the abdominal organs, stimulates digestion and detoxification. Squeeze the tension of the muscles that run along the spine. 

Recumbent position open chest 
Sit on the floor with legs crossed with the pad placed directly behind your hips, have on hand a blanket folded for use as a pillow. Lean back until your back and head resting on the pillow and place the frieze folded under his head. Rest your hands on the floor along the torso. Stay in this position for five minutes, breathing deeply and feeling the weight of the column to sink into the cushion. 

Benefits: Opens the chest, it creates more space for the lungs to expand and deepen the breath. 

The take a few minutes to practice one or all of the poses, will help you feel more relaxed, less irritable and more clarity of mind. As a result, will not suffer from over-reactions and be more available to enjoy the constant flow of all things that accompany the festivities to come, what makes restorative yoga is a great gift for yourself and those around him.

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