Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clear your mind with inner silence Meditation

Clear your mind with inner silence Meditation 

The inward journey is always fascinating as the daring involved. It is a journey in search of self-knowledge, authenticity and wholeness. A unique adventure that goes in search of Light, in search of Truth. 

Antar Mouna, inner silence, meditation is a practice belonging to Raja Yoga, the Yoga of the Internalization, consisting of a set of simple but effective techniques, which constitute a systematic process of internalization that allows cross the different layers of the psyche, undressing the ego personality, drawing out the essence of a natural and progressive way. 

This is a practice based on the development of attention and concentration to allow the state of meditation makes its appearance, combining the steps fifth, sixth and seventh (pratyahara, Dharana and Dhyana) to indicate the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. 

Here and Now 

Meditation is the state of being which is before the mind. Do not try to reach that state, but allow it to appear, it emerges, because that state is the nuclear part of oneself. It's not something you have to get outside, but it is already within us. Here and now. 

For this reason, the present moment is so important. Only in the present moment is the crack in the veil of the mind that enables a reconnection with the inner self. Past and future are in the mind, that feeds on memories and projects. However, in the present moment, in true here and now, we can find our presence Ser 

Static and Dynamic Principles 

Through the stillness of the meditation posture, the dynamic principle decreases gradually, its ceaseless activity to be virtually stopped. This stop should not be forced, as occurs naturally. If you force the body motionless, the mind and body tense somatizes such tension with tension, making the practice of meditation experience unpleasant. 

If, on the contrary, such a stop is made with intelligence, providing the right conditions, then the stilling of the body and correspondence of the mind, are a natural consequence. When this happens, the static principle appears in all its glory. Understanding comes through both the awareness of Being 

The dynamic principle generates a centrifugal force outwards. The Static centripetal force towards the interior. In the balance of both forces is the possibility of the state of Meditation, which is the one who made "aware" of both forces simultaneously. 

Therefore, for proper smooth evolution toward the development of Consciousness, the activity is necessary in everyday life, as well as downtime and stillness that are made during the practice of Yoga and Meditation. Be overturned only outward is a big mistake. But pregnant just inland, is a more serious error. Being outside and inside, because for the principle that allows for "realize" there is no difference. 

Remain aware of awareness during the action would be the natural result of meditation. The consciousness expands covering all areas of our lives, internally and externally. For when this happens, everything is meditation. 

Hatha Yoga & Raja Yoga 

The man lives into existence through the mind, suffering a huge disconnect with his essence, his soul. He has forgotten himself and his body. Therefore, the gateway to the Self passes, almost inescapably, by reconnecting with the body consciousness. For this, the work postures (asanas) of Hatha Yoga with breathing exercises (pranayama) is excellent, though not necessarily unique. 

The preliminary stage of preparation, "before attempting to address the sensory deprivation (pratyahara) through the care, development of concentration (Dharana) and, finally, the state of meditation (dhyana) - passes through a pre-requisite balance of vital and mental energies that make up the human being. Such is the desired balance is obtained precisely the practice of asanas and pranayama of Hatha Yoga, Yoga of Balance. 

Thanks to this balance, harmonizing generated by the third and fourth steps of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (asana and pranayama), you may begin the journey into certain guarantees of success. Therefore, in inner silence, we combine the practice of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga, as both are complementary. One leads to another in a fluid and natural, the same way that day comes after night, and vice versa. Both types of Yoga are twinned. After a session of postures, relaxation and breathing exercises, body and mind are in proper condition for reconnecting with the essence, with the Self 

Meditation: a therapy 

Installed in the sublime stillness in Wake Pose (Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana, sidhasana or shukasana), proceed to observe without reacting everything that appears in the field of consciousness. An Observation pure, unaffected, devoid of desires, or dislikes. Full acceptance and, therefore, of understanding. It is not necessary to indicate that the qualities of the meditator must be the courage and bravery. For such qualities will be needed to cope, so fair, all the components that arise both physically, emotionally and intellectually, as in other kinds of levels. 

All prints (samskaras) received over the existence and stored in the subconscious will emerge during meditation. All the fears, traumas, frustrations, unfulfilled longings, repressed emotions, thoughts, suppressed, and so on. will emerge. And, through observation unaffected, unbiased and fair to all these components that will appear in the field of consciousness, will be finally eradicated, allowing a deep understanding appears in its place. Thus, the practice of silent meditation Interior, becomes a highly therapeutic tool. 

Stop the mind 

In some practices of meditation is to stop the mind. Not Meditation for inner silence. This practice is learning to observe, namely related to the contents stored in our subconscious and are the cause that has shaped our present and that, too often, are a cause of suffering. 

The mind will stop, or not. We do not care. Consciousness is prior to mind. We installed on Consciousness Witness (Sakshi), just observe the cleaning process of the subconscious. Everyone knows perfectly what is going to emerge. Each has created with his beliefs, his own film, his own mental projection. But in our trip we headed inland, going toward the origin, the source to the light. Therefore, it is so important to clean our store because they are useless junk that obscure the transparency of Light. 

Freedom from suffering 

Certainly not going to clean and put the collected dirt "under the rug." Through observation, we will confront our shadows to find the Light that we are. It is not clean "over" to feel a little better. Quite the contrary, this is a real cleaning. This is to eradicate such content so that not affect us anymore, thus freeing us of the suffering they cause. 

Certainly, one must have a huge desire to awaken the Truth and the courage to face all the prints (samskaras) who for years have been accumulated within. Will entail a great deal of courage to allow them to emerge and, then, without reacting, through impartial observation and unaffected, allowing them to be, to leave a clean space within. An apparent emptiness of space, however, exudes a profound availability. 

Interior Silence 

When everything is clean and waste experiential mental contents, what emerges is a silence thick and deep that we feel comes from the depths of ourselves and that is not in any way conditioned on the outside. It's more than likely continue outside sounds, has to be. But no longer affect us. We found the source. We are at our Center. And we experience inner peace, joy of Being that to feel an integral part of life. So it's when Love makes an appearance. A full Love it covers everything, without limits or conditions. A love that is installed in your heart forever, because you realize that was always there.

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