Monday, December 7, 2009

Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama - the science of breath. This hub, around which revolves the wheel of life. The word Prana means breath, breath, life, vitality, wind, energy, force. This word can also mean soul, as opposed to the body. In the plural, it usually means the vital currents of energy. A pit mean duration, distribution, traction and control. Pranayama, therefore, means a lengthening of breathing and control over it. This control involves the management of all respiratory functions, namely: 

1) inhalation or breath - pooraka (filling); 

2) expiration or exhalation - rechaka (emptying the lungs); 

3) the delay or suspension of breath - a condition in which there is no inhalation or exhalation, - kumbhaka. 

It stimulates all chakras (energy storage) in the body. It frees up and distributes the energy of the nervous system, increases the activity of the respiratory, nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems. 

Through pranayama people can learn to control the restless mind and a sense

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