Monday, December 7, 2009

Asanas Yoga


Asanas make the muscles elastic, flexible spine. They contribute to cognitive development, increases lung capacity, strengthen internal organs and ensure longevity. And just as stimulating bone growth, while maintaining calcium, preventing their fragility and osteoporosis. It relieves many of the negative symptoms associated with menopause in women, preserves the health of vaginal tissues. In men, prostatitis can be cured and increased potency due to the influx of blood saturated with oxygen in the pelvic area. Upturned asanas very effective in the treatment of constipation, improve peristalsis, reduce blood pressure, developing brain, improve memory, vision, hearing, concentration, willpower, increase blood circulation. 

The purpose of asanas is to train the mind and body to achieve spiritual perfection, and not to use them as regular physical exercise. Each pose gives uplift and electromagnetic pulse in the body.

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