Monday, December 7, 2009

Sampradaya Yoga


Sampradaya (sankrit "tradition") - is a tradition based perfect yogis, enlightened, which was developed by many generations of artists. None. It is committed not limit any Lubo freedoms. In this understanding of tradition - a reverence and respect for the experience of many yogis. The tradition should not change, preserving the spiritual purity and principal ideals. But taking into account everyone who practices yoga, she has no lock on the consciousness of small details, but give the desire to constantly improve. 

In school, every student can benefit from the experiences of teachers who left the experience in various texts and practices. Sadhaka also may amend its practices. It is supervised constantly, sometimes changing, following the trends of various currents. 

It is not recommended to practice yoga yourself, using the experience of only some restrictions. This can lead to loss of faith, thought that yoga is not perfect. 

No, in traditional yoga, there is no forced conscription to blind faith. Rather, yoga provides an incentive to study it more. Guru can help and correct sadhana student, but students must make their own efforts and constantly in search. The school will never deny personal initiative. On the contrary, it honors the ability and desire to discover something new. But that this experience was significant and meaningful, must take into account the experience of others.

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