Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sahaja Yoga

 Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga (Sahaja in this context means "born with", and yoga - "Union") is a form of meditation created by Nirmala Srivastava, more commonly known as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and the followers just call her mother. They believe that it is the embodiment of Adi Shakti, the primary divine force. The term Sahaja Yoga is also used as the title of world organization Sahaja Yoga Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, "new religious movement", which she founded in 1970 in Nargole, India. 

Practice and related organizations has grown in India and spread throughout the world, and now their meditation centers can be found everywhere. Comprehension practice Sahaja Yoga was made free for all concerned, but the organization itself claims that the result of lessons Sahaja Yoga is a quick self-realization and the awakening of kundalini. The practice of Sahaja Yoga taught prisoners in Italy and the United States to help them achieve social, psychological and spiritual recovery. 

Sahaja Yoga teaches that in the subtle body, there are seven major energy centers or chakras, which can be sbalansirovannaymi through the awakening of kundalini, usually dormant energy that exists in every human being. In the tradition of Sahaja Yoga Self-realization is the first encounter with reality, or the awakening of kundalini. When attained self-realization, one can feel the cool breeze on his crown. If there is a feeling of warmth or heat, the body has not reached an appropriate balance. 

Sahaja Yoga offers a simple method to achieve this state compared with the traditional practice of hatha yoga, where the basis of the method lies in the physical postures and breathing exercises. Sahaja Yoga says that besides our physical body, there is also spiritual: fine system, consisting of channels (Nadi_ and energy centers (chakras), which affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. Each chakra own different qualities some of which may remain secret. Once the kundalini awakens and rises through the center of these, the quality at the same time begin to appear. 

Along with balancing the seven chakras, Sahaja Yoga is also recommended to balance the left and right nadi, it is the way of energy. Throughout the yogic system, there are 72 thousand nadis, of which there are basically three: Ida Nadi (or left sympathetic nervous system), Pingala Nadi (Right sympathetic nervous system) and Sushumha Nadi (parasympathetic nervous system). 

Some of Sahaja yoga meditation on the image of the founder of the school, as this is additional help in his focus on the awakening of kundalini. Dipping feet in the tub with salt water or walking on the sea - it is also one of the techniques of Sahaja Yoga, which helps the meditator to gain balance. 

Meditation on Sahaja Yoga has proved to be effective on the part of many diseases, including asthma, epilepsy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, some of these positive indicators have been recorded scientifically. Sahaja Yoga Meditation has also proved more productive than other types of meditation in treating depression, depressed emotional states and lack of appetite. 

Organization Sahaja Yoga supports a hospital in Bombay, India, which uses specialized techniques. Hospital justifies its fame place successful treatment of diseases such as hypertension, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. 

Sri Nirmala Shrivastya also developed a diet for a healthy liver. White cane sugar, white rice, yogurt, ginger, fruits and vegetables called "cool" liver. Alcohol, fried foods, red meat, fish, whipped cream and chocolate are among the search, which "warms up" the liver, so their number should be kept to a minimum

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