Monday, November 23, 2009

Agni Yoga

Agni Yoga 

Agni Yoga (also called "Living Ethics") is the esoteric doctrine based Russian artist Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena Roerich. Inspired by the Vedic tradition, as well as Buddhism and the works of EP Blavatskoy and the Theosophical Society, Roerich had issued a series of books "Agni Yoga" In the early twenties of the last century Roerichs got a lot of fans in New York, where they built a museum of art in Russia, where their teaching was quite significant, and in India, where they away from the world. 

In Sanskrit the word Agni means "fire" and is the name of the Vedic deities. In the use of Roerich, it refers to the spiritual fire of the heart or mental energy, which is considered as the main force, which is built all my life, which should be clear and cultivate. The word "yoga" in this context refers not to the known physical practices of hatha yoga, and any of the schools of philosophy of bhakti yoga and raja yoga, but rather a meaningful life, guided by the teachings of the great teachers in their daily life and ministry. 

Theologians say that the books of Agni Yoga is understood as a separate course of Theosophy. After the works of Elena Blavatskoy theosophical movement split into a number of separate groups, each of which said that its board has approved the secret masters. Agni Yoga in this respect remained neutral and separated from the movement as a whole, recognizing in his teaching of Christ, along with other teachers, such as Buddha, Moriya, Sergius Radonezh etc. 

According to the teachings of Agni Yoga divine energy is transmitted to humans through the Eucharist. Cup filled with liquid ritual symbolizes the heart is filled with supreme inspiration. 

Despite the fact that most of the books and teachings of yoga are international, without being tied to a specific territory, some scholars are Agni-yoga as a purely Russian phenomenon, imbued with patriotism. On the other hand the concept of "new nation" referred to here is sometimes associated with Shambhala. 

In the writings of Agni yoga divine energy associated with notions such as vibration, electricity, new rays, radio waves, magnetic or etheric world, as the antagonism of the world in which we live. Numerous discussions were centered around the spiritual energy and its avatars. The source of it considered "Distant Worlds", which can be interpreted as a reasonable world, or simply parallel forms of existence. 

In any case, the energy of these worlds, according to the teachings of Agni Yoga, a person can bring healing and enlightenment, and our world, in turn, must prepare for such a "high frequency". Some signs that the interaction is human society, where money does not exist, as well as racial differences, but power belongs to a world government. 

In the books on the Agni Yoga, addressed the theme of the spirit army. Practitioners should be a warrior and be fearless in battle. Another constant theme of the book is a "new church", "new country" or "new world".

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