Monday, November 23, 2009

Yoga nidra

Yoga nidra 

Yoga-nidra in literary translation sounds like a "dream yoga". This term refers to the technique used to prepare the mind and body before reaching the deeper levels of consciousness and concentration to meditation. Be that as it may, yoga nidra regularly practiced in independent form as a daily relaxation techniques. Practitioners say that half an hour of yoga nidra replaces up to three hours of normal sleep, but still completely replace the dream yoga nidra is not worth it, because the body and mind still takes some time habitual leisure. 

This dream yoga is a state of consciousness, when the yogi is connected to the Divine energy, staying in contact with the whole cosmos. This energy is beyond time and space, pozvalyaya yoga to see the past, present and future. At this time, the Yogi can also get acquainted with their past lives. Through yoga nidra yoga can work on karma, as the purity of consciousness at this point allows the purification of the subconscious. The subconscious mind at this point is cleared by means of special prayers, known as shankapala. Experienced yoga use yoga-nidra for astral travel, and the highest level of this condition leads to samadhi. By the way, yoga nidra is not to be confused with a variety of self-hypnosis techniques that do not have anything to do with it. 

Sages and yogis yoga-nidra has been known for thousands of years. The Upanishads (Madukhya Upanishad) describes three states: wakefulness, sleep and deep sleep. Yoga nidra is a state of conscious concentration in a deep sleep, which in Madukhya Upanishads called Prajna. This third of four levels of consciousness expressed by the mantra Aum, the sound presented by M. Condition Yogi-nidra is outside the visions and sensations. As the state of conscious deep sleep, yoga nidra is universal and can not belong only to some specific tradition or teachers. 

However, some teachers and schools have focused on yoga-nidra more than others, have more experience in the practical training of followers. Paramyogeshvar Sri Devpuridzhi is one of the first modern proponents of this practice, taught since 1880. During his travels in the Himalayas, Sri Devpudzhi met, among others, by Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, which is well known in Europe and is filed yoga-nidra nkotorym yogis and swamis. 

Swami Satyananda began to popularize the practice of yoga nidra about forty years ago. He described her relationship with the ancient tantric practice, called "Niassa, where each part of the body treated his own mantra in Sanskrit, and during her meditation mentally immersed in a particular area of the body. 

With extensive travel and teaching vseminrnymi Mahamandaleshvar Maheshvaranandy Paramahamsa Swami and Swami Satyananda, Yoga-nidra gradually spread to India, Europe, Australia and the United States, transformed in the system: satyaananda yoga and yoga in daily life. Swami Rama on the Yoga-nidra still continued with the Himalayan Institute of several of his former students. 

The form of the practice of yoga nidra, taught by Swami Satyananda includes eight well-defined phases: internalization, Sankalpa, the rotation of consciousness, breath control, a manifestation of opposites, creative visualization, Sankalpa and externalization. Yoga nidra can practice tolkol under the supervision of an experienced teacher and mastering the practice gradually. In the deeper stages of practice may slow breathing and life processes, which resemble lethargy.

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