Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga 

Kundalini yoga is a physical and meditative practice, consisting of elements designed to train the mind, senses and body to create a connection between mind and body. Kundalini yoga focuses on the mental and spiritual growth, as well as the potential of the body to mature, have a special mission for the role of the spine and the endocrine system in the understanding of yogic awakening. 

Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic centers (or chakras) of the body to accumulate spiritual force known as kundalini energy. 

Kundalini is the potential form of prana (life force), which is dormant in the body of every person. It is portrayed as a curled snake (in literary translation from the Sanskrit "Kundalini" means "that which minimized the rings, although some insist that the transfer should be a" lock the Beloved ') lying at the base of the spine, which can be awakened through spiritual and individual practitioners. 

The practice of kundalini yoga consists of a series of exercises for the body, expressive movements and utterances, characteristic of rituals, rules respiration and concentration levels. But none of these components of practice should not be perceived by future yogis as simple stretching exercises or the type of gymnastics. 

Shannahoff-Khalsa describes some of the techniques of Kundalini yoga in its "Protocol Kundalini Yoga" (2004). Most of the techniques are characterized by such features as pose with crossed feet, of the spine (usually - straight), different methods of control of breathing, use of mantras, closed eyes and concentrating the mind (usually on the sound of their own breath). The author focuses on the fact that these techniques should not be taken as substitution of medical consultations and medical treatment. 

Kundalini yoga is a relatively new phenomenon in the West. It was first presented to the United States in 1969, when Yogi Bhajan came here from India and began to train teachers. Usually it is quoted with the statement "I did not come to collect uchenieov, I came to create teachers. Like other types of yoga, Kundalini yoga links movement with breath. Main, what distinguishes it is a direct focus on moving energy through the chakras, stimulating the energy of the lower chakras up to the higher chakras. Chakras are energy centers, making a total of seven, parallel to the vertebral spine from the coccyx, and finishing top. In Kundalini Yoga there and eighth chakra, which is an electromagnetic field, sometimes called the aura. It is believed that mangers strengthened and purified through the practice of Kundalini Yoga. The system awakens the energy of the chakras and passes it along the nerve channels connecting them. 

Despite the fact that this system is tied to the physical plane, the main benefits come from its internal practices. Kundalini Yoga is called the "yoga of consciousness", because it awakens the kundalini, which provides an unlimited potential that is present in every person. 

When the uncertain potential energy wakes up in the body, it stimulates the upper centers, giving the individual enhanced intuition, purity of mind and the potential of creative forces. For this reason, the kundalini in ruling circles was considered a dangerous practice and its concept in the course of history was kept secret. Knowledge transfer personal teacher to student only after a lengthy initiation process that determines the level of consciousness of the pupil. Yogi Bhajan spent many years traveling through the Himalayan mountains, to find the hermits, saints and yogis, collecting their individual exercises Kriyas and pranayyamy before openly began to teach in the West. 

Before be represented a broad audience of Kundalini is a term describing a movement of energy after the practice of any form of traditional hatha yoga and pranayamy.

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