Saturday, October 24, 2009

Subtleties performance Pashchimottanasany:

Log in asana should be performed slowly, listening to the needs of the body. 
At the first stage of development greater attention paid to relaxation of the body in the pose, not straightness of the legs. For this position to get used gradually. 
In addition, for performing asanas should be possible to relax the feet as well as the legs are always in a tone that discourages relaxing the gluteal muscles and lower leg flexor muscles, stretching which allows the body to take shape in half. 
At the next stage of development it is important to make sure that the rear surface of the legs, especially the popliteal part, lying close to the floor (at the initial stage of development in relaxing her knees raised up from the floor). It is straining the front thigh muscles, pulling kneecaps, and advance the body forward until the popliteal surface of the feet gradually not lie on the floor. 
It is important to follow the footsteps, they should be in the same plane, ie as they are, as we stand on the floor. To enhance the impact of posture may seek to withdraw their toes and the outer edges of feet as much as possible for themselves, and base of the thumb and the internal edges of the feet, on the contrary - from himself. Thus, the foot as it unfolds from the inside out, stretching the inner surface of the foot. 
During inclination strive to keep the spine most evenly, and bend only in the hip sustavah10. 
For better extraction of the spine and opening the lower energy centers (chakras) should strive to rotate the thigh inward, while spreading the buttocks to the sides, and the sacrum and coccyx - and back up. 
Asana is symmetric, and must follow a symmetrical distribution of the burden of its execution. At the initial stage is particularly important to keep track of which muscles are stretched, which are compressed, which muscles are stretched, which is relaxed, and which muscles to relax moleno, without introducing changes in the very energoformu ace 


This asana is not recommended to perform at: 
There shifted vertebral discs. 
Chronic arthritis and sciatica. 
Sharp pain in the spine. 
If you have any problems in the lumbar spine and hip joints to perform asana with extreme caution.

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