Sunday, July 12, 2009

Embraces the truth

Although rationally we know that everything is in constant evolution, in general we are led to deny the fact that reality is subject to change. This causes us anxiety, fear and confusion. 

Paternal, in the "Yoga Sutra", argues that ignorance (avidly), understood, as a desire to ignore reality, is a cause of suffering. It can therefore speak of "rejection of reality." Buddha has put at our disposal his teachings so that we could free ourselves from rejection, so they may fully appreciate life and learn to be detached and serene 

Free your mind 

You can address the meditation by the Five Buddha Remember that we illustrate below. E 'useful store and even repeat them every day. Let the words slowly one after another, without analysis or interpretation. Leave that occur and that delegation, because everything is changing. Listen to your breath and your feelings, and when the energy you have used so far to escape the reality of release, try a great relief spread throughout the body 

Immerse yourself in this 
Accept the mutability of reality should not neither saddened nor anxiety. Instead, realize this concept will make you feel free to live fully the present. Moreover, you will find that inner peace so much desired has already within you. We understand that the changing nature of things is very philosophic that a concept, then you can understand the manifestation of reality in your mind, your body and everything around you. So do not give anything for granted

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