Sunday, July 12, 2009

A dip in the relaxation

Where to live serenely enough to remind yourself to keep calm when you are agitated, we all, or nearly so, we would be always at peace with the world. But the relaxation, like every other skill, requires constant practice. 

Yoga can be an effective tool through which to refine this art. The ability to learn the practice of yoga can be helpful in everyday life. What can we do to enhance our ability to achieve a state of total peace and relaxation? Here are five tips to follow. 

1 - Expire 

One of the best techniques to regain control is to lengthen the exhalation phase. This type of breathing, as written in the "Yoga Sutra", relaxes the nervous system and the body goes into a state of greater calm. 

2 - Concentrate 

Often, when we feel kop, we just want to sit on a chair (or better, a chair) and the empty set. But we do not avoid doing so, however, that our brains will continue to brood obsessive thoughts and anxiety. Try instead to focus intensely and constructively: to get test at a demanding position, or dive into an exercise in breathing. 

3 - Reduce external stimuli 

Turn off the TV, disconnected the phone and attenuates the lights, lowers the volume of life "and recalls that the calm exterior contributes to the interior. During the session of yoga, cover your eyes with a bandage when you take positions energizing to rest the view and the brain. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Potential, the great tradition of wise yogis, advised to find a balance by focusing on positive thoughts. The next time you surprise prey to anxiety or depression, saccade and use your creativity to develop a more positive vision of the world. 

4 - The Fun 

Nothing beats a healthy, fat laugh. Call your friends, more likeable, rent a movie dedicated to fun or try a complicated equilibrium position on the arms, you will see that rider to cripple. Some of these positions, in fact, are so difficult that you cannot help but burst into a loud laugh! 

5 - Train 

Like fine wine, the relaxation improves over time. Constantly practice Seasonal positions as equivalent to lubricate the gears of relaxation. Only then, one day you will be able to quickly dive into a state of deep serenity. 

Lowers the volume of life and points out that the calm exterior contributes to the inner

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