Friday, July 10, 2009

Care with the notes

We all know how Nada Yoga, or Yoga of Sound, this is an ancient technique of Indian music scale in the West, beginning with the seventies, The basic principle that every "element" (men, animals, plants, minerals, molecules, atoms, etc..) Has its own natural vibration. 

When you alter this rate, you create a state of malaise and, in some cases; this may be the start of an illness. The Nada Yoga (see the book in the Media page. 112) is to learn to use their voices and rhythms outside as healing tools, as well as provide useful visualization exercises. All this improves the psychosomatic conditions, eliminating anxiety and stress, promoting relaxation, inner peace and which is derived from Sanskrit, refers to the prank (vital energy that largely assimilated breathing), while the syllable "from" refers to the internal heat that sustains life. According to the teachings of "the sound is produced when heat and power come together: for example, when we translate thoughts into words, the body temperature rises slightly." 

Good Vibrations 

With his method (which he called Nada Brahma System) has unearthed the ancient therapy of musical Nada Yoga. What happens to the vibration of the notes issued by the voice or an instrument comes in line with the relevant parts of the body of the listener. The basic principle of this technique that every human being has its own personal sound, called "tonic" (also called "personal music", "Dan sound" or "voiceprint"), whose height stable over time and changes occur only when major changes in the life of the subject. "The height and the stamp of personal voice, he explained in his lectures may vary depending on the emotions and the level of awareness. 

For example, fear "takes to the stomach" and the voice choked at the diaphragm, while the anger raises the tone of an octave and brings awareness to the root of the nose. Continuous stress change the voice on an ongoing basis, sign that the person no longer herself. Through special exercises developed by you can discover your basic note (see box p. 86). And intoning, you can find harmony with our deepest I pi ù. 

The human body, musical score 

The human body vibrates in three octaves, from the lower tonic, which usually lower note that we are able to sing without effort (the eighth series of sounds ranging from a C to C above). The eighth low vibration, the average at the center of the forehead (third eye) that is high above. The exercises of Yoga Nada using mainly the eighth, the mental part that 

Every eighth can be divided into 22 units, called shut (items that affect the emotions), so in the human body there are 66 shut, through which they manifest the energies, both positive and negative, that our emotional awareness. The blockade and the consequent accumulation pi ù whether these chronic energy in certain shut can cause physical and psychological. Working in music on these points, we can control and change our state of mind and, through the pitch of the tonic staff; we can remove the power to dissolve any crystallized and illnesses. 

That music affects the emotions, you always know. However, what differentiates the technique of Nada Yoga from those developed in the West that the notes in this case are personal. As every person has a tinge of odor and color of the Incarnation, so each of us has height, volume and timbre of his voice, however, modified by emotions. The Yoga of Sound is to find the personal tone, from singing to heal by itself. 

The surprising result (there is more that thirty cases of diseases cured so), especially if the notes are given with their Indian names Sa-Ra-Ga-Ma-Pa-dha-Ni-Sa, rather than with our Do - Ra-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si-Do. Indian notes, in fact, function as mantras, body and mind by protecting against diseases.

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