Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yogaterapiey for hypertension

Yoga - not just gymnastics, but also a spiritual practice. It aims to strengthen not only the body but the soul. That the Russian people finally all became clear, I'll explain: it is both traditional fist fighting in Russia on the eve of Shrove Sunday. When ruddy men beat each other person, in order to unwind and become stronger physically, and the next day, they hugged and asked forgiveness of each other (luckily it was for that) - circumcise.
That is, get the whole set of exercises that strengthens both physically and spiritually. Since yoga is almost the same. The only difference is that the Russian did not develop a philosophy of fisticuffs and turned it into a practical science. Well, that yoga do not drink vodka.

Health in yoga - it's a balance.  Balance the mental and physical, spiritual and physical.  The quest for harmony - the path to a healthy and happy life.
Yoga - a medicine, a healing without outside intervention.  This is not a panacea, no magic, no way to instantly heal all diseases.  However, it is really reliable way to improve your health.
One of the most common diseases, which helps in the treatment of yoga - high blood pressure.
Hypertension - high blood pressure.  I explain the example of fisticuffs: Red faces at the men were fighting because of this disease.  Since beating fellow causes hypertension, and yoga, by contrast, treats it.  And this is another undeniable plus yoga to fist fights.
If no jokes, hypertension - a rather difficult and unpleasant disease.  Suffer from a mostly elderly people, but recently the disease has not only become one of the most common, but the "younger" - now rare to find even a teenager with high blood pressure.  There are many factors causing this disease.  This, above all, chronic stress, smoking , being overweight, inactive lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol and salty foods, excessive emotionality.
At the first sign of hypertension should take immediate action - this disease often responds poorly to treatment and its consequences can be extremely unpleasant.
Yoga - the only way to fight the disease that has no side effects and unintended consequences.
There is a whole complex to help fight high blood pressure.  It includes exercises, meditation , nutrition.  To get results, you can not interrupt and disturb yogaterapiyu established regime.  First of all you will need to change the power.  For people with high blood pressure is perfect sattwic food.  It involves a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages, meat, eggs, spicy, sour and salty.  Sattvic food - it's mandatory moderation in eating, refusal of specialties and complex dishes.  In principle, the fact that any nutritionist appointed to his patient-hypertensives.  And that is regularly and happily does not comply with the majority of patients.
Pranayama (breathing practice) helps to regulate blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.
If the word "pranayama," you reread it three times, and hence is not familiar with breathing exercises yogoterapii, try one of the easiest prana exercises.
To do this, stand up straight and imagine how the air you inhale, filling your lungs.  Try to oxygen filled the lower lobes of the lungs.  At the same time air enters the stomach and the diaphragm descends.  Then right in the middle air lobes of the lungs.  The chest at the same time begin to expand.  After moving to the upper lobes - where they will be filled with oxygen, the clavicle will rise.
When the lungs are completely filled with air, hold your breath.  Do not breathe for a few seconds and then start "push" the air - first from the lower lobes, using the diaphragm, then, clenching his chest from the middle, and then - in the upper lung area, lowering the clavicle.
Also, to combat high blood pressure require special gymnastic exercises and exercises that include both physical and breathing exercises.
Savasana performed for hypertension regularly every day, will help to minimize the dose of medication.  Made it so.
Need to go straight back and relax.  Hands along the body, palms touching the floor.  Breathing calm and even.
Well, is not it?  But this is not savasana - is only a preparation for it.  For savasany start slowly open and close your eyes (with an interval of about two seconds).  Do this five or six times, after which the situation is more complicated: now, open your eyes, they commit a circular motion - look up, right, down, left, straight ahead.  It also must be repeated five or six times.
Now you need to open your mouth and relax the jaw.  Take the tongue back and close your mouth.  "Posture" of the language do not change.  Continuing to breathe, wait about 10 seconds, then open your mouth and tongue strife.  After a pause of several seconds, repeat.  Yes, as you already guessed, must be repeated five or six times.
The next stage of the mysterious savasany - close your eyes and focus all their attention on the tips of the toes.  Slow transfer of your inner mind to the knees, gradually rising higher and higher.
When he reached the top of your head, start to go down to the tips of fingers.
And the final stage.  Imagine that you are in a very nice place for you (and not lying on the floor of the house as it is not clear who).  Start deep, but just to breathe slowly and evenly.  On the inhale stomach moved up and down as you exhale let down.  Repeat so ... no, not five or six, ten or fifteen times.
If everything was done correctly, you should feel the state of perfect tranquility and total relaxation.  Enjoy this feeling a few minutes, then come back to earth.
This exercise is not recommended, along with others.  Mark for a separate spare time.  After savasany try not to switch quickly to everyday problems, giving your body enjoy the freedom from stress .

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