Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yoga - Find your happy medium.

In Buddhism, the application of theoretical concepts into practice is called the Way.

I want to start a discussion with the practice long ago I heard stories about the man who in his youth was an outstanding swimmer and in old age began to look for themselves the same exciting experience, how in his youth he had to swim. He decided to become a monk, thinking that subdue the wave of his mind as a young man conquered the ocean waves. He found a teacher, which have respect, took the vows and began to practice what it taught him a spiritual mentor. As often happens, meditation was not given to him easily, and he went for advice to the teacher. Wanting to watch him practice, the teacher invited the student to sit and meditate. Few watch, he noticed that an elderly swimmer tries too hard and asked him to relax. But it turned out that the swimmer was difficult to perform even this simple instruction. When he tried to relax his mind and body are inactive settled. If he tried to concentrate his mind and body were too tense.

In the asked him: "You know how to swim, does not it? "

The man replied: "Of course. Best of all. "

"And in order to be able to swim, you need to fully stretch or completely relax the muscles?"

"Neither one nor the other - said the former swimmer. - Need to find a balance between tension and relaxation. "

"Good" - continued the teacher. - "Now let me ask: if your muscles are too tight, when you swim, it will stress the joints are creating you or someone else makes you tense?"

The man thought for a bit before answering, and finally said: "Nobody from the outside does not make me tense muscles.

The teacher waited until an elderly swimmer understand your own answer, and then explained: "If you find that meditation, your mind is too strained, it will stress you are creating yourself. But if thou art loosed from any tension, your mind gets too out of focus and you feel sleepy. As a swimmer, you learned to find a middle ground between tension and relaxation of muscles.

In meditation, you should find the same balance in his mind. If you do not find that balance, you'll never be able to realize a perfect balance in its own nature. Discovered the perfect balance in its own nature, you will be able to confidently sail on the waves of his life as well as swimming in the water. "

Simply put, the most effective approach to meditation is to try to measure their strength, not too focusing on results.

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