Friday, April 16, 2010

What is yoga for fitness-European?

Yoga - the art is so beautiful and useful, how difficult. On her miraculous power heard probably all. Someone asked the question - what is yoga, someone seeking to learn the depth of skill, but the majority rejects neizvedannost, incomprehensible. After Yoga - part alien to us exotic culture, and the impression of uncertainty is aggravated by a huge number of unfamiliar words and terms that are difficult to pronounce and read. And if you go to "our" language? What is yoga, hatha yoga, how to explain how to understand? 

So, yoga - part of the philosophy of one of the oldest cultures of history. It was part of a network of complementary philosophical systems, such as, for example, Vedanta and Mimamsa whose purpose was to grasp the mysteries of life ... But, please, try, try not to use Indian words and deeper into the Vedas. Our task is not the point. Torn out of their "colleagues" of the ancient disciplines, largely divorced from its philosophical nature, in Europe from the ancient teachings of Yoga into a yoga - a practical mastery of himself, his body and intellect, in a public practice of healing. 

And, despite the fact that in the nineteenth century, when yoga first became widespread in the West, and today were and are Europeans, true ancient teachings and principles, the ancient arts and knowledge for almost every modern man in the bustle, hustle City should not disclose Kunadlini and basic assistance tired body and soul. 

European Yoga stores in itself all the principles of Yoga East. They are clearly separated, systematized, and equal. Imbued with the spirit of European utilitarianism, deprived of its metaphysical foundations, they deliberately work on people, keep to them, and with due attention and patiently laying the foundations for a harmonious, healthy lives, which spared the disease and the disproportionate suffering. 

Among these principles, spiritual, or ethical: "banning" pit, which consists of harmlessness, tolerance towards one person or group of people, unassigned stranger nestyazhatelstvo, control your desire. "Create" niyama includes: avoidance of negative emotions (anger, arrogance, envy, etc.), purification of mind from bad thoughts and intentions (libel, fraud, etc.), shy and nesuetnost, maintaining a good emotional state. 

Equally important are the principles of physical improvement and development, which are realized through asanas (physical exercises) and pranayama (breathing exercises). 

The category of meditative asanas is sustainable seating posture, suitable for long-term preservation of immobility. The category of training - positions that have two or more stages. 

Each asana has its own special impact on both the body and the psyche yoga. And meditation and asana training not only develop flexibility and increase muscle strength, but also stimulate certain nerve centers in the medulla and spinal cord. So asanas are good for physical and mental. 

Pranayama is of two kinds. Large dynamic pranayama (they have age limits) are fulfilled standing or lying down. These include the delay of air on inspiration or expiration, as well as some muscular tension. 

Small Pranayama are performed seated and relate to practice various options of breath. 

The Vedas describe the effects of pranayama a really fantastic: some of them are adamant health, youth to old age, the ability to heal any illness in themselves and others ... it is interesting that many of these results are confirmed by science..

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