Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yoga : Mudra

In Sanskrit the word mudra means "stamp". In "Gherand Samhita" explains 45 wise and bandh, many of which can be done only under the supervision of an experienced guru. Twelve of them are particularly important, as some of them were described above. 

Mudra benefit and body, and spirit, although used primarily for the awakening of the spirit. They adjust to the serious yoga and meditation are used for the control and direction of pranic energy in the body. 
Flank mudra ( "rolled-wise") 

1. Lie on your back, lift your legs together and Touch them to the floor behind the head. This "attitude plow" (halasana). 

2. Now Slide the feet about the width of the hips. Bend your knees and lower hips toward the chest until your knees do not touch the ears, shoulders, and sex. 

3. Firmly connect the hands behind the knees, breathe deeply and slowly, concentrating on the breath of the navel. 

4. Hold the press, until it causes you discomfort, then log off and relax. 

Try not to strain your back muscles. Do not exercise if you suffer from sciatica, high blood pressure or detached retina, as well as during the menstrual cycle. 

The benefits of this mudra is that it calms the nerves, stretches the back muscles and stimulates the nerves of the spine. It also massages the abdominal organs and tones the sexual organs. 
Ashwini mudra ( "horse seal") 

This mudra is so named because that. empty, the horse several times expands and compresses the anus. 


1. Lie on your back and bend your knees, prying apart the feet about the width of the hips, put your feet on the floor. Hold back to the floor. In this position, the abdomen is relaxed, and now you will be easier to move to the next stage. 

2. Now, squeeze and relax the anal sphincter (which is located in the rectum). 

Repeat the contraction and relaxation a few times, then relax completely. 


1. Now take a comfortable meditation position, close your eyes and relax. 

2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. 

3. Squeeze for a few seconds of anal sphincter. 

4. Exhale and relax the sphincter. 

5. Relax for a few seconds, then repeat the whole process Ashwini mudra few more times. 


1. Continuing to sit in meditation, take a deep breath and hold your breath. 

2. Rapidly and continuously tighten and relax anal sphincter as the largest possible number of times until you are able to hold their breath without much discomfort. 

3. Stop and breathe. 

Perform three cycles Ashwini mudra to 30 contractions in each, gradually increasing their number to ten to 60 contractions in each. Try not to strain. 

Benefits Ashwini mudra: 

- Strengthens the base of the pelvis and prevents prolapse of the rectum and uterus; 

- Prevents hemorrhoids, toning blood vessels in the anus; 

- Prevents constipation by stimulating peristalsis; 

- Tones the testes and the pelvic nerves; 

- Enhances mulabandhu and sends prana upward. Note that mulabandha differs from Ashwini mudra: printing does not involve the alternate compression and relaxation of the sphincter.

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