Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mahabandha (triple lock)

When mahabandhv all three bandhas - mulabandha, Uddiyana-on and Jalandhara Bandha Bandha - made simultaneously during external respiration delay during Pranayama. 

1. Sit in Siddhasana or Siddha Yoni Asana, putting his hands on his knees. 

2. Take a deep breath and a deep breath. 

3. Make mulabandhu, Uddiyana Bandha, then Jalandhara Bandha. 

4. Hold your breath, hold three locks, while it does not cause you discomfort. Do not strain. 

5. Remove locks in the following order: Jalandhar Uddiyana, mulabandha. 

6. Slowly inhale and relax. Mahabandha updates all the prana body, stimulates the flow of spiritual energy, and combines all the advantages of three gang

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