Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jalandhara bandha (chin lock)

"Jal" means "network" or "interlocking" (in the neck has a network of nerves and arteries, ascending to the brain). "Dhara" means "upward movement". 

When Jalandhara bandha internal and external carotid arteries, located on both sides of the neck and carry blood to the brain, under the pressure of compressed. Jalandhara is also pressure on the sleepy axillary nerve. All this affects the blood pressure, slows the heartbeat and the movement of nerve impulses to the brain, which calms the soul. 

Jalandhara Bandha follow this: 

1. Sit in a comfortable position, preferably in Padmasana or Siddhasana (see Chapter 8) (useful it will firmly rest against his knees on the floor), and put his hands on his knees. Close your eyes and relax. 

2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. 

3. Without straining the neck muscles, Discharge head forward and press down firmly on the chin, the neck cavity between the collarbones. That's good stretches the cervical vertebrae, which, in turn, stimulates the nerve centers, relieve cranial nerves and beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. 

4. Hold the lock as much as you can without severe discomfort, then disconnect it, raising his head and exhale. Do this exercise ten times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to twenty. Hold your breath until the lock is open and no head is not raised. 

Jalandhara Bandha should not be done without the guidance of professional people with high intracranial pressure or heart disease. 

When viewed from the esoteric point of view, then from the Sahasrara Chakra through the hole in the sky to the Manipura chakra flows and stomach burns with fire delicate nectar. Jalandhara Bandha prevents the nectar to disappear, so the body accumulates the elixir of life and life is prolonged. 

Jalandhara Bandha can also be done standing, legs apart by about 60 cm, bending the torso forward, resting his hands on his knees and straighten hands.

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