Saturday, March 6, 2010


Bandha means "lock". This name also belongs to the postures in which some parts of the body are taken under control and compressed in some way. It is important to use bandhas at the highest levels of Pranayama, because without it you can harm the nervous system and may cause the body "Pranic short-circuiting. I do not accidentally quote a comparison with the electrical circuit. Electricity is on the chain, which can operate normally without causing any harm, as there are transformers, safety plugs, wires and switches. Without them, the current current can be fatal for us. 

Bandhas "locked" prana, to prevent its diversion to direct the flow of prana energy to the destination, which concentrated yogi. Bandhas also help unite Apana with Prana and send a powerful Pranic flow in sushumna Nadi to awaken the kundalini shakti. Apana - it prana (vital energy force), directed downwards. It operates in the area from the navel to the anus. Her role - give, throw, to send out, it controls ejaculation, defecation, urination, digestion and reproduction. In addition, Apana directs the Kundalini up in sushumnuddya reunification with prana. You can do so that prana can not flow upward due Jalandhara bandhas (chin lock) and Apana not be able to run down because muladkhara bandhas (anal lock). This makes the Prana and Apana unite and flow into Sushumna.

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