Saturday, March 6, 2010

Offer your food to God

Being a vegetarian - so do good work, take a step to the purification of body and soul, but for the purification of consciousness is necessary to devote his food to God with love and devotion to God first tried it and blessed the food. It will also help you remember the day of God: "If someone presents me with love and devotion a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will accept the gift" (Bhagavad Gita 9:26). 

Cooking - acts no less important. When we buy and prepare food deliberately, with care and love, then its preparation connects Prana. Obviously, between the taste of food cooked with love and food, which the cooking without love, there is a difference. 

Below I will talk about how to cook, how to offer it as a gift to God for blessings, and how glad she ate it. 

First Keep a few natural, high quality herbal products. Thoroughly wash your hands before you enter the kitchen. Wash fruits and vegetables. When cooking, always use only fresh produce: do not mix the remaining ingredients from fresh as well as those that you offer a gift to God, should not be offered to him again. Do not try to prepare food: now we are preparing for God, and he was the first to try the food. Finally, when the delicious food prepared with love and devotion, dedicate its source of life (God), Creator of all things. 

Now spread a nice meal and get ready for a meal. If you eat meals with family or spiritual friends, can join hands and meditate for a minute or two with your eyes closed. However, you can pay a prayer to God. 

Prayer, which I use for many years, I heard from my teacher Sri Kriyyanandy (disciple of the Paramhansy Yogananda). You can use it or think its: 

"Light up, Lord, His light food that we eat, because it - Yours, filled it with His love, His power, His divine life. Om, Amen. " 

By offering the gift of God, food, begin to eat it in silence. Eat slowly, chewing it before swallowing. Do not forget that digestion begins in the mouth. 

After graduating there, sit five or ten minutes in Vajrasana (on the heels with relaxed hands on his knees). This position removes blood from the legs to the stomach, promoting digestion.

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