Saturday, March 6, 2010

Maha Mudra (great seal ")

This is the most important of the wise, it moves the prana upward and helps awaken the Kundalini. 

1. Sit on the floor, his legs. 

2. Will place themselves under the left leg and push your heel on the anus. Pull the right foot forward and touch the toes with both hands. Hold the leg in an upright position. 

3. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, making mulabandhu and Jalandhara Bandha. 

4. Hold your breath until it causes you discomfort, directing an internal look at the point between the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra). 

5. Jalandhar disconnect first, then mulabandhu. 

6. Repeat the entire cycle of pressure on the anus of the right heel. 

7. First, make two wise with each leg, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to ten. 

Another option is the slope of the exercises and stretching of the torso. Thus it is necessary to hold on to your toes. 

If you can not pull your leg directly under him to press the heel on the anus, do Siddhasana or siddha yoni asana, pressing the heel on the perineum. 

Benefits maha mudra. 

- Stimulates a practical energy; 

- Prevent hemorrhoids, constipation, enlargement of the spleen and stomach violations; 

- Soothes the soul and body, preparing for yoga meditation. 

Maha Vedha Mudra (Mudra most penetrating ") 

In this mudra yoga permeates your consciousness chakra and nadi. 

1. Sit in Padmasana (see Chapter 8), her palms on the floor near the buttocks. 

2. Take a deep slow breath. 

3. Hold your breath and do mulabandhu and Jalandhara Bandha. Focus on the Ajna chakra. 

4. Tear away from the floor, balancing on his hands, and gently lower the buttocks on the floor. 

5. Remove the locks and make a slow exhalation. Start with two repetitions, gradually bringing their number to ten. 

Here's an option for those who can not accept pad-Masani: you have to sit pressed against the anus left heel, placing his right on the left thigh - you can just put your palms on the floor on both sides of the body and slowly raise your buttocks and then free fall to the floor. 

In terms of beneficial effects, particularly the difference between the Mach wise, Maha Vedha wise and ma-habandhoy not exist.

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