Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yoga Mudra ( "seal yoga")

1. Sit in Padmasana (lotus position "- see Chapter 8). If you can not do it, sit in a pose polulotosa - Siddhasana or even Vajrasana. Close your eyes and relax. 

2. Hands behind his back and take the left hand the right wrist. 

3. Take a slow deep breath, feeling a surge of consciousness and respiration of the Muladhara Chakra and Ajna chakras. 

4. Hold your breath for a few seconds, concentrating on the Ajna chakra. 

5. Slowly exhale Discharge head forward and back, leaning his whole body at the waist. 

6. Pressed his forehead to the floor and relax in this posture, breathing in the usual manner and focusing on the Ajna chakra. 

7. Hold this pose until you feel discomfort. Try not to strain your knees, ankles and back muscles. 

8. Inhale and come out of this situation. First, hold print one or two minutes, gradually increasing the duration to 15 minutes or more. Benefits yoga mudra: 

- Improves memory; 

- Stimulates "stomach fire"; 

- Massages the abdominal organs; 

- Stretches the spine and tones the nerves of vertebrates; 

- Tones the lungs and heart; 

- Manipura chakra awakens, 

- Prevents constipation and indigestion, improving digestion and separation

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