Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vadzhroli mudra

This is a very complicated wise, we can say that it is important yoga kriya, which requires very fine control over the sexual organs. Vadzhroli consists of several stages, one of which the urethra to a depth of 25 cm is inserted into a silver tube (catheter). Through this tube, first the water is sucked through it can also suck up whole milk, even more difficult to learn to suck up the oil and honey. At the final stage achieved full control of the urethra, and the yogi in a position to suck the liquid 1 in the bladder through the urethra, and without a silver tube. Through the urethra can even suck up into the air. 

First you will need monitoring by an experienced specialist - guru. Vadzhroli mudra is very complex, and the first catheter is inserted into the urethra to a depth of only 2.5 cm, then the depth gradually increases to 5 cm and more, over time, to 25 cm purpose vadzhroli wise - full control over the sex organs and maintenance seed. To practice this advanced technique is necessary to strictly refrain from sexual relations. 

Nevertheless, there is a simplified way to perform this print: 

1. Sit in a comfortable Asana for meditation, his hands on his knees and his eyes closed. 

2. Tighten up the genitals by voltage and pull the lower abdomen and compression of sexual organs - testes in males and vagina in women. Do not strain and not Strive to compression. 

3. Compressing genitals, focus on svadhishthana chakra. 

4. Stop contraction and relax. 

Viparita penalties mudra (stand on your head or shoulders) 

1. Lie on your back, putting his hands on both sides of the body. 

2. Take a slow breath and lift the lower back at an angle of 45 °, and feet - at 90 °. Keep your body, legs, hands resting on his hips and lowering the elbows on the floor. The body should be completely relaxed, eyes closed. 

3. Make kechari wisely (see pp. 182-183); breathe at this moment under udzhayi pranayama (see Chapter 5). 

4. Take a slow breath from Manipur chakra but Visuddha chakra. 

5. Breathe out, maintaining awareness Visuddha chakra. 

6. Again, inhale from the Manipur chakra to Visuddha chakra. 

7. Continue to breathe in such a way until you feel uncomfortable, then exhale and relax. 

Of all the "inverted" poses viparipga Karani is easier. You may feel discomfort in the lungs, but it is easy to remove with a rolled-up blankets. They say that the sun will live in through the navel and the moon - near the sky, in which case, viparipga Karani Mudra puts everything on its head by moving up the sun and the moon - down. 

First, do this exercise during the entire one minute, gradually increasing the duration to five minutes or more. In the treatises on yoga say that Yogi performing this wise every day for three hours, conquers death. It is said also that he engaged in this practice for three hours daily for six months disappear in the face wrinkles and gray hair, instead of returning the old hair color. The benefit of this version: 

- Eliminates the stagnation in the spleen and liver 

- Prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, prolapse of abdominal organs and digestive disorders; 

- Increases vitality; 

- Saves the thin nectar flowing from the Sahasrara chakra, thereby renewing and cleansing the body; 

- Directs sexual energy from low to high chakras; 

- Corrects the negative effects of improper Pranayama; 

- Sends blood to the thyroid gland, providing its normal activities, increasing its viability. 

However, this exercise should not be earlier than three hours after eating, and performing a complex exercise, you should wait for half an hour, until the body a rest before starting to engage again. Viparita Karani Mudra is also contraindicated in women during the menstrual cycle and all who suffer from high blood pressure, an enlarged thyroid gland and serious heart disease.

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