Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kechari Mudra ( "seal of language")

In Sanskrit, "hack" - is derived from the word "Akash" ( "space") and "Chari" - "remove". Thus kechari mudra is translated as "posture movement in space." With kechari wise consciousness becomes Akasha - the space between the astral and physical bodies. 

"Hatha yoga Pradipika" calls kechari greatest of all wisdom and argues that mastered kechari able to win a dream, hunger, thirst, sickness, old age and death. 

Traditional practices kechari (available only experienced yogis) is conducted under the guidance of a guru and includes a gradual, over several months, cutting the bottom membrane Language (Fraenum linguae), while the membrane connecting the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, not be completely cut. This is necessary in order to make the language as long as possible, so that, bending back, he could enter the upper part of the mouth of the sky. Tip of the tongue then sent to a point between the eyebrows, which converge nadi, su noisy, Ida and nurtured. 

Some very experienced yogi, laid back language runtime kechari wise, they actually close the glottis (the narrow triangular "fracture" between the vocal cords in front and on the bases and voice spikes drawn-eminent cartilage in the back). Thereby completely closed passage of air and breath control that allows you to increase the delay time of breath. 

Known that experienced yoga master this technique and fully control their mind and body, able to sit motionless, holding his breath, within 40 days. 

Sri Kriyyananda in his treatise "Fourteen Steps to Joy" wrote: "Positive and negative power of language and nasal passages, combined together, form the mind and energy cycles, which, instead let energy flow from the body, creates a magnetic field, carried away by the energy up from body and the base of the spine to the brain. " 

Note: In no case without cutting linguistic membrane. Inexperienced people practicing yoga, it is strictly prohibited. Sri Kriyyananda told the real story of what his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda lashed out against the practice, when one of his disciples began to cut the language membrane to extend the language. 

Within the language there are five major nerves, blood vessels and arteries, mucous glands and lymph vessels. Cutting the language membranes can break the nerves, and you're numb and deprive the language needed blood supply. 

Practice described here is a safer option kechari, without cutting into the language. 

Exercise to stretch the language 

1. First Take tongue back and touch the uvula (fleshy sprouts reminiscent of grape and hanging from the rear of the soft palate). Look in the mirror during the exercise to see how you do it. 

2. Fold tongue back and touch the uvula from the bottom. Close your mouth, push the base of the tongue to the sky, until you feel tension under linguistic membrane. Gently but persistently practice, avoiding stress. Engage in at any time. 

3. Touch the tip of the tongue to the sky and push it. Then start "sucking" in the language itself toward the sky. 

Fig. 16. Nabham mudra 

1 - nasal cavity 

2 - the hard palate 

3 - Language 

4 - brain 

5 - pituitary 

6 - cerebellum 

7 - soft palate 

8 - epiglottis 

9 - Throat 

10 - spinal cord 

Fig. 17. Kechari mudra 

1 - nasal cavity 

2 - the hard palate 

3 - soft palate 

4 - Language 

5 - brain 

6 - pituitary 

7 - cerebellum 

8 - epiglottis 

9 - Throat 

10 - spinal cord 

Now gently open your mouth continues to pull in the language of heaven, until you feel the tension of language membranes. 

End position of this exercise involves a wide mouth opening, when the suction is terminated, and the tongue is released with a characteristic click. 

Do this exercise 50-100 times a day. 

4. Prepare a thin clean damp cloth. Vysunte language, grasp it with a cloth and "milked" him, gently pushing and making him massage to stretch it. This is called before the Khan. 

Do this daily for two or three minutes. 

5. Carefully, but firmly Take the tip of the tongue back until you feel the tension of the membrane of language (it Chal). 

6. Take myself for language and gently rub his back teeth on the membrane. 

Do this daily one or two minutes

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