Saturday, March 6, 2010

Guide to Pranayama

Place of tuition: look for the lessons clean, warm, ventilated room, where you can sit and where you will not be disturbed. If you are outdoors, then make sure that you warm. There should be no pollution, noise, and nothing should distract you. 

Course times: the best start in the spring of Pranayama (especially after the "spring cleaning", for example shankhaprakshalany. Pranayama can do throughout the year, but not doing it in the heat of the sun, and if you freeze or get sick. Exercise early in the morning preferably before sunrise, when the air is cleaner than most. You can study and after sunset, when the air is cool. 

Pose: During Pranayama sit on the folded blanket or pillow in the appropriate meditation asanas, such as in Padmasana (lotus posture), Siddhasana ( "perfect posture"), svastikasane ( "happy attitude") or Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) ( see Chapter 8). Asana, which you have chosen should allow you to sit with back straight from the base of the spine to the neck, so that you can stay in a comfortable, relaxed position with eyes closed. 

Cautions: Do not practice asanas immediately after pranayama. Before the deal after intense asana pranayama, relax. 

Do not practice pranayama immediately after a meal, let him pass at least four hours. If you're hungry, you can something to eat or drink. There may be a half hour after pranayama. 

Being engaged in pranayama, not rush event, did not exert yourself and do not make sudden respiratory movements. Do not try to steel himself, holding his breath after inhalation or exhalation. Sensing the emergence of any adverse symptoms, immediately stop training and rest. 

If you're doing wrong pranayama, do Viparita Karani wisely (see Chapter 4) and hold a normal breath until then, until there are signs of discomfort. If you feel that pranayam helps the body overheating, stop the exercises and massaging movements put on the body, head and heels vegetable oil. Later, take a hot bath and lie down for 20 minutes to relax in the sha-Bashan. 

Women should refuse to comply Kapalabhati and Bhastrika ( "bellows") during pregnancy. In addition, should avoid prolonged detentions of breath after a full exhalation (Bahia kumbhaka), performing Uddiyana Bandha. However, in all these cases can be usefully engage in such kinds of pranayama, nadi as suddhi (alternate breathing through the nostrils), bhedana Surya, Chandra bhedana, Viloma udzhayi Pranayama and Pranayama.

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