Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The original meaning of beauty yoga

Yoga: that the women should not be interpreted as a simple yoga beauty, "I want to become more beautiful," the external dimension. It is an attitude towards life with the times. Of a belief in pursuit of a better life. A kind of reverence for life emotions. A kind of home and loved ones of a responsible attitude. 

Only by grasping these deep things yoga, your pinch grip is the real beauty of the yoga concept of connotation. 
Yoga as a whole based on the concept of knowledge, you are not hard to understand yoga as the person's beauty and the body, mind, and spirit of the health of a complete synthesis. The beauty of this approach is the growth and cultivation in the body, and do not need to be set to take center-like expression, it will naturally come out in the external flows. In this respect yoga articles in this section are introduced in detail, this paper will not repeat it, there is need to enhance the reader see this side is. This article focuses add the following points for the reference to the. 
1, perfect skin should be a genuine reflection of the living conditions of yoga for those learning yoga, the yoga concept of Red Dust that just by the natural beauty of yoga movements and develop a proper diet, maintenance practices, would make a perfect skin to maintain a healthy long-term state. Gas color, texture, Fungus degrees should be the true depiction of the living conditions of yoga, only the soul of peace, peaceful life, and possession of the wisdom of the women's self-improvement in order to have a true perfect skin. 
2, concerned about the skin should be a natural expression of a woman concerned about the skin condition is normal thing. Nose out of the summer found that the oil quickly replaced by fresh oil control products, fall somewhat dry skin moisturizing facial mask at night to do ... If you If so, yoga Red Dust that you have the path of the errors that will be or have been a vicious circle: as long as one can see the oil on the skin to take points, wash face, forehead and long lit How many pieces of acne on a day depressed. The results concerned the more the skin condition worse. Why is this? Yoga Red Dust that these acts are not natural, does not help the natural way of yoga is a confrontation with the natural methods. Long-lasting skin beauty could only be coordinated through your body and mind, rather than fighting it to be effective. You must turn your attention to force the body to the real needs of your skin becomes very sensitive, and learn how to meet these requirements in due course, whether you believe it or not, you feel the need for a better life fit color to set off. 
3, using emotional intelligence to enjoy your artistic beauty yoga every step of learning based on the inner understanding of yoga, yoga Red Dust recommend that you enjoy your intention to complete a physical yoga postures for each complete step, and treat it as a work of art to deduction, rather than putting it as a mechanical steps and tedious work, really enjoy the pleasure brought about yoga activities in ways that stressful life, but the most pleasant moment of relaxation to relieve oh. 
4, yoga beauty is no short cut of modern engineering techniques of the local plastic surgery, or to claim just not fresh tablets can be swallowed in bed to go to fat burning their own weight-loss magic items, and so on carved bear fruit in cosmetics, chaos, which makes part of the women mistakenly believe that "posture, facial structure and skin can all be instantly changed." But Yoga Red Dust believes that the real beauty is in the constant repair of gradual perfection of yoga. Beauty can not be accomplished overnight, posture, skin beauty is the variety, the combined result of external factors, only one aspect of attention, while ignoring other aspects, are one-sided, but also against the whole concept of yoga system. Not to mistake the body parts which are unsatisfactory where the only exercise that painting above the high-tech areas, or to the ointment, and hope to soon see that part of cosmetic effect. It is hoped that through the local train will soon put the extra fat consumed locally, such feelings are understandable, but in fact impossible. We should understand that all controlled goals, all on the establishment of the orderly learning yoga foundation. There is no factual basis for those who imagined not conducive to objective as soon as possible. 
5, healthy way to be enjoyed the yoga beauty is not an overnight thing, to keep the industry there has been a need for cosmetic effect is long-standing project. Some learning yoga unsatisfactory cosmetic results were the reason why is because we wanted to strive for "quick" in the hope in the short term a "surprise" skin beauty, and then once and for all, the idea is unrealistic, but also unscientific. Be patient's slowly improving skin at any age are not to give up, persevere, to the beautiful things last a lifetime, can change the skin, thereby affecting fate. All in all, whether for the purpose of skin care and beauty, or in order to promote physical and mental health, aging, health, yoga lifestyle should be maintained for life. This is also the cosmetic effect ensure the most effective and scientific method.

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