Saturday, March 6, 2010

Five vital forces of the body

The movement of prana - is not only the movement that is included in this body, through the mechanism of respiration. In the body there are several varieties of prana, and these are called Prana Vayu ( "vital winds"). They are reasonable life-forces, different in the astral body and operates through five subsidiary of the nerve centers of the brain and spinal cord. 
Five main Vayu 

Udana Vayu operates in the body between the larynx and the crown. It manages the automatic operation of the peripheral nervous system of the head; controls speech, sense of balance, memory and intelligence. Udana moves up, it delivers Kundali-no to Sahasrara, and when death separates the astral body from the physical. Udana has a pale white color. 

Prana Vayu operates in the area between the larynx and the base of the heart through the peripheral nervous system, controlling speech, respiratory muscles, blood circulation and body temperature. Prana is the color of blood or pink-coral color. 

Samana Vayu operates between the heart and the navel area, maintaining a balance between Vayu and Apana. A part of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, it controls all the metabolic processes that occur during digestion. Color itself - something between the color of milk and sparkling crystal. 

Apana Vayu operates in the area from the navel to the feet. Usually, it moves down, but is kundalini shakti up in Sushumna to connect with Prana. Apana controls the function of the kidneys, excretory system, colon, small intestine and reproductive organs through the peripheral nervous system. 

Viana Vayu permeates the entire body, creating an aura around him. It provides a coherent work of all Vayu and controls as arbitrary and involuntary movements of our muscles and joints. It supports the human body in an upright position, causing the unconscious reflexes along the spine. In addition, she manages the physical nerves and thin astral nerves (must be). Viana like a ray of light - its color, unlike other colors Vayu is difficult to determine. 
Five small Pran 

Naga manages Belch and hiccups. In addition, she awakens consciousness. 

Kurma manages opening eyelids and eyesight. 

Karikari manages sneezing, stimulates hunger and thirst. 

Devadatha manages yawning. 

Dhanandzhayya manages the collapse of the body after death.

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