Saturday, February 20, 2010

Children Yoga : The habits of sitting in our childhood

In the course of life, we also accumulates habits - harmful, beneficial, different. Yet precisely those habits that are laid into us with a small age, shape our character, attitude toward themselves and the outside world. 

Good Habits - a pledge of harmony with oneself and others. All parents vigilantly monitor the health of their child, and, of course, everyone would like to see as an adult, our children with the same vigilant about their own health. 

Immunize your child a good habit - yoga. In your power to do so. After all, you teach him every day to brush your teeth, wash and do a lot of other necessary things. Let exercise that will provide invaluable benefit to health, will also become an integral part of his regime of the day, part of his personal hygiene. 

An illustrative example in this respect may serve China - a country where the sport has a leading role in shaping the health of the individual and a healthy nation as a whole. Perform the exercises of qigong and wushu friendly company in the courtyard of his home for the Chinese as commonplace as for us to sit on the bench, watching the child. 

Through yoga you teach a child to control his body and control the thoughts. This yoga will develop body and mind in harmony. 

- Inspire a child to engage in something possible only through the game, and certainly not in the role of an observer! - Tells kids yoga instructor Natasha Volkova. - In a lot of yoga asanas, depicting various animals and birds: "Fish," Stork "," Crocodile "," dog "," kitty ". Children are interested, it is easy to arouse interest in studies. At the same time, it is useful dynamic and static asanas of yoga. The child is in fact no matter how valid or that asana on the body, but it increases its interest in the outside world, develop powers of observation. Of course, children's yoga is more soft and playful, adapted for the perception of a certain age, individual characteristics of the child. The simplest example - a small change in the title poses: child nicer to perform a pose "grasshopper" than "locusts". The meaning remains the same, but for the perception of pleasant and cheerful. 

In the classroom Natalia is asking children ages 5 to 9 years of age to concentrate on deep breathing, basically they breathe at random. 

- During the implementation communicate, exchange experiences with your child, be on equal terms. It is under this condition, you will be easier to use a competitive time, which operates smoothly - Natalia advises parents to independent home exercises. - Follow the general rules simple: move on to lessons on an empty stomach or after a half or two hours after eating. To drink, if not milk and its derivatives, can be 30 minutes before class. Execution time of each posture can vary depending on the abilities and temperament of the child. But (!) Never let your child be in a position longer than this time, because posture can cause strain. Take breaks to relax. It is not necessary to perform the lotus position, stand on his head and other difficult poses, such as upside-down, which are contraindicated for children with breach of intracranial pressure. Be responsible - do not be lazy to consult a doctor. The body of the child grows, develops, and we must understand clearly how to perform exercises. From simple to complex in yoga can go for years! If you are not confident in their knowledge of asanas, ask for help from the instructor. 

Today we offer you two postures to develop flexibility. Do not forget, we carry out together! 

Cat Pose 

1. Stand on all fours, hands and feet shoulder-width apart. 

2. Breath, bent his back and draw in the belly, but omit the head between hands, tyanemsya chin to the chest. 

3. Exhale and sags in the back. Raise the head and look up. 

All three movements are one. Clearly adhering to the sequence, make up to five times. Slowly, without jerks or sudden movements, like a kitten. 

In addition to strengthening the back, spine, this exercise charitable impact on digestion, toning muscles. 

Crocodile Pose 

1. Lie on your stomach, legs wide apart in the most part, the foot turned outwards, arms straight and extended forward. 

2. Ruki put under his head. 

Repeat up to 5 times. Therapeutic effect of posture: soothes breathing, massages the abdominal cavity, which again is well affect digestion. 

Develop and improve your child, instilling in him a love for physical exercise in childhood, and then the sport will be an integral part of his life. Health to you and your children!

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