Sunday, January 31, 2010

Osho - Meditation Vipassana

By the Buddha was Vipassana, Vipassana - means the witness. He found one of the greatest of all existing facilities, means to monitor breathing - just observe your breathing. Breathing - this is a simple and natural phenomenon, and it happens 24 hours a day. No need to make any effort. If you repeat a mantra, you have to make the effort, you have to force myself. If you say: "Rama, Rama, Rama, you have to constantly strain. And you need a lot of times you forget. Moreover, the word "Rama" - again something of the mind, but nothing mental can never bring you beyond it. 

The Buddha discovered a completely different angle. Just observe the breath - the incoming breath, overlooking breath. 

There are four points for observation. Sitting in silence, just start to watch the breath, feel the breath. In the first point of breath is. Then, at the moment when the breath is entered, it stops for a split second, is the second point of observation. Then breath turns and goes out - this is the third point of observation. Then again, when the breath came out, for a split second it stops. This is the fourth point of observation. Then start breathing again ... - A range of breathing. If you can watch all these four points, you will be surprised, amazed at the miracle of such a simple process - because the mind is not involved in this. 

Observation - this is not the quality of intelligence, surveillance - is the quality of the soul, consciousness. Observation - this is absolutely not a mental process. When you're watching, the mind stops, stops. Yes, at first many times you forget, and the mind will go and start playing the old games. But each time, as you remember that I forgot, no need to feel remorse and guilt - just come back to the observation, again and again to monitor breathing. Gradually the mind will interfere less and less. 

And when you can watch the breath continuously 48 minutes, you will become enlightened. You will be amazed - just 48 minutes? Because you think that it is not too difficult ... just 48 minutes! It is very difficult. 48 seconds, and you many times you become a victim of mind! Try to do it, holding the watch, at first you can not be observed for 60 seconds. A total of 60 seconds, one minute, many times you fall asleep. You will forget all about observation - observation and the observer will be forgotten. Some idea would lead you far, far away, then suddenly you realize ... you look at the clock and see that it has been 10 seconds. 10 seconds, you're not watching. 

But little by little ... is a skill, it does not practice this skill - little by little, you absorb it. Because those few moments when you're watching, full of such subtle beauty, such immeasurable joy that, once having experienced the taste of these moments, you will want to return to them again and again - not in order, or other motive, but because of the sheer joy of being in the observation be present in the breath. 

Remember: this is not the same process which is performed in yoga. In yoga, this process is called pranayama, is sovrshenno another process, actually the opposite of what Buddha called vipassana. In pranayama you breathe deeply, filling his chest with air, more and more, then you lay waste the chest as possible, from carbon dioxide. This physical exercise - good for the body, but has nothing to do with vipassana. 

In Vipassana you should not change the rhythm of its natural breathing. You should not do long, deep breaths, should not breathe in any way differently than they do normally. Let the breath is absolutely normal and natural. All of your minds should be concentrated at one point in the observation. 

And if you can observe the breath, you can start to watch and other things. When you walk, you can see that you go when you eat, you can see that you eat. And in the end you will be able to observe that you sleep. The day when you can see yourself sleeping, you will be transferred to another world. The body continues to sleep, and then proceed inside the brightly lit light. Your observation remains undisturbed. Then the 24-hour continuing undercurrent monitoring. You continue to do things ... for outside world, nothing has changed, but for you everything has changed.

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