Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yoga of Knowledge: Meditation

- The meditation is not an escape from the world, is not an isolated or closed by themselves, but rather the understanding of the world and its ways. (Krisnamurti) -- 

Dhyana, meditation, is the step that precedes the peak of the mountain, Samadhi, enlightenment. E 'nornale ask "What is meditation? Why aspire to become enlightened? 

The answer is very simple. Always, every man has sought ways and roads that would help him to live better, to have good health, to feel powerful, secure and satisfied, the master of his life. 

The choices that life on earth offers are endless, endless streets that are always ahead of us, available, sometimes appealing, but often we choose to walk the streets we walk away from the goals of health and serenity. 

And with poor health and lack of serenity our life becomes more of a struggle for survival, and in this context many bad choices occur then remained constant inappaggati the results of our actions and continue to seek better roads still groping in the dark. 

By practicing meditation we can finally put an end to our researches unproductive establishing contact with our center, that part of us all-knowing, all-knowing. 

Highly technological civilization like the U.S. have found that through meditation one can alleviate many ills of life today, as the meditating constantly dissolves and cleans the strss little by little the mind from the human incessant and exhausting whirlwind of thought. The quality of life and no doubt many diseases derive benefit from this practice. 

Then came the Meditation practice can not be a one-off, but must join the wishes of our day, heritage for our wellbeing.

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