Saturday, January 2, 2010

The sense of meditation

Stop settle for a sterile compromise. Go to the bottom. When we were very young children, gioivamo all, totally, fully. We went all the way chosen by the game. We were in joy, in wonder. What we did was with love, through the game. No meditation, no need for concentration. 

E 'state after the memory is filled. There was accumulation and finally stirring. Now, meditation is the true nature of existence, that is pure peace and pure joy. 

This state was undoubtedly marred agitation, desires, fears, from everything that has crystallized around the so-called personality. But this is not lost. 

For humans who, in a moment of grace, opening what was found, we say that they are in contemplation or meditation. 

The concept of meditation has come to people who have been chosen by the beauty of life, the wonder at the existence, such as children. They saw that their minds made them restless, and were told that there was a state in which you can feel more relaxed, more attentive. They called meditation. Why meditation is the only thing you can not "do", that is through love, enthusiasm. The reality is that it is the only time when we do nothing. There is no direction deliberate, voluntary. 

What I want if not already in my memory? Will, you want to redo the known. The kind of life we live and where we let down roots, and volunteers, focuses on all the alleged individual who makes and collects the result after the action. The fear is to want to redo what you know. Meditation has nothing to do with this. E 'a choice. Maybe it's the only time of day which the mechanism of the will seize, take and understand is at rest. Because the mechanism of acceptance and understanding involved in the movement itself, which regards the self manufactured. In India called Ahamkara. Aham is the Universal Self, the very existence; Ahamkara is the ego that is artificially constructed in space and time, that which is drawn from all desires, fears, the regrets. ... Continue reading.

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