Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Horizons Hara Yoga

Hara Yoga, the innovative and light discipline founded by Maestro Gio 'Fronti, is a path of self-knowledge, self-care (and meditation - ed) that's being left free to experiment through the most ancient techniques of East Asian wisdom, particularly than Indian, Chinese and Japanese from which the Maestro Gio 'Fronti drew his teachings. 

This alchemy that considering the evolution and rediscovery of one's self leaves the practitioner to try and choose and combine those 'arts' Hara Yoga proposals to him more like, unrestricted and protected by rigid dogmatic approaches a characteristic that makes the Dojo Sheegana one of the very few areas in Italy where he is still a pure wisdom. 

The association bears the name of the file, Hara Yoga opens up space Dojo Sheegana to all seekers of truth to experience, during courses and seminars, a physical practice, vital, deep, which merges the techniques of "ancient wisdom cultural and geographical "from meditation to martial arts, from yoga to natural medicine, to the sensitive and butoh dance, music, dream-like practices, theater and dance, the psycho-genealogy of Jodorowsky, and forms of creative expression which enhance the body and voice for developing human potential in a holistic approach that touches the emotional strings of each, bringing the essence of balance in body, spirit and mind. 

As told by the Gio 'Fronti, Dojo in Japanese means "place where we practice the way" and translates the Sanskrit Bodhi Mandala, which means "Holy Wisdom Circle where we meet." 
Sheegana The Dojo is the place where researchers study and practice of the Way with its engagement with the pass through the doors of their achievement of growth, with wonder and courage, then share them with other researchers, creating a unique legacy of widespread Wisdom kind. The wisdom that springs up here it is the most important treasure that the Dojo Sheegana protects and provides. 

Who has experienced Hara Yoga has found and acquired the benefits of different "lights", taken from different cultures, summarized in this innovative practice of self-realization. 

The Maestro Gio 'Fronti 

Trained as a therapist, through the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it provides valuable information about its reality and its psychosomatic condition of karma, and in 1987 founded the Yoga practice Hara, forming multidisciplinary many teachers who offer their work within a service of Dojo Sheegana. For over 25 years practitioner and researcher of disciplines, arts and ways East (Zen, yoga, tantra, shamanism, martial arts) and scholar of comparative mythology and traditional oriental medicine. Hara Yoga Guide Association, conducting seminars on self-healing and breathing at the Dojo Sheegana and receive personalized treatments.

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