Saturday, January 2, 2010

When and how to meditate

When you meditate: 

Every day, several times during the day. Surely the awakening and before addormaentarsi meditation helps to start and conclude peacefully our waking hours. 
The morning is a great way to organize consciously devoted our energies and at night the transition between one day and ending hours of our vacation. 

How to meditate: 

Will choose a quiet place, and the yearning we found mostly in silence us, and to persevere if some noise around is invited! 
We will take care to sit down cross-legged with the spine erect, the positions are appropriate yogic Sukasana, Siddhasana and Padmasana, the mythical location of the lotus. If these postures are difficult to hold, we can fall back on a chair to sit in the back straight, and we will take care to rest well grounded both soles. 

Through the breath we're going to stretch any corntratture the body. 

The eyes may remain open or closed as you prefer. It is not essential lighting incense and candles, nor the background music, though nice and a sure help to raise the energy. 

By listening to our continuous breath or reciting a mantra of our mind detach its thorns to enter the sizes of the peace, this is meditation.

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