Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Meditation : Awareness of breath

How do you reach the awareness? How is it possible to look with detachment, being aware of the various emotions, urges, thoughts without their being able to disturb the quiet inside? 

For me turn your attention to the flow of spontaneous breathing. After a bit 'of time is individual, but let's say weeks or months, you will see that the awareness of your breathing will be passed spontaneously to a state of consciousness more widespread, generalized. Begin to feed more confidence in yourself. You mention a rudiment that are able to assimilate until then. Never search results during the period. 

My answer is based on subjective experience. No pretense of teaching, but only the desire to communicate. 

The eyes can be kept open or closed or half closed. It does not matter. Do as you like, as you seem more useful. Personally, I close them. 

When you become aware of being distracted resume viewing. 

You do not have to sacrifice at all. In the most absolute way! Assume a comfortable position, anatomically correct. If it is impossible or difficult uses a stool with backrest. 

Do not exaggerate either the duration for the simple reason that once you're tuned into the exercise, and thus with yourself, you will easily find the right concentration and how much time be reserved. In addition, a crop during the course of the day there is almost always. You can meditate perfectly well before the PC (off). 

For the moment I can only reiterate this suggestion: note that efforts will do nothing but patience. 

And if breathing became more and more faint until they seem almost imperceptible? 

Can happen. And not just observing the breath clearly, but also by praying in silence, contemplating, or religious subjects, ... The possibilities are many. I personally am not attracted to mysticism, the way that the other party would inevitably mean that treatment, care and circumstances very different from a simple and lonely sitting meditation. In this society should favor the presence of mind as efficiency. When I found myself very contemplative moods, my teacher called me back to reality urging them to respond by walking and working consciously. There is also the possibility to continue to observe the breath going down to the smallest detail to the impulse of the mind that determines the physical movement. At these levels of practice becomes aware that attention is reflected in the clarity of perception by re-establishing good relationships between things, ourselves and the world around us, recreating balance, equidistance, a substantial relaxation due to the presence of mind and therefore not the continuing exercise.

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