Monday, December 14, 2009

Can we turn dependent relationship in the present?

From attachment to enlightenment Relations 

Can we turn dependent relationship in the present? 

Sure. Exists in the present, to deepen and strengthen our presence, as far as possible shifting the focus of attention at the time is now: even matter how you live: alone or with a partner - in any case the presence is a key element. For to love blossomed, the light of your presence be so strong, so that your thinking ego or body-pain were not able to pull you out of time now, and that you accidentally did not accept them for who you are. To know herself as a being outside of the thinking ego, as calm, standing for the mental noise, like love and joy behind the pain - that is freedom, salvation, enlightenment. Razotozhdestvit itself and the body-pain means to bring this pain presence and thus to transform it. Razotozhdestvit themselves to the thinker, then become a silent observer of their thoughts and their behavior, particularly in the endlessly repeated play patterns of their mind, as well as the means to become an observer of the roles that are performed by the ego. 

If you stop stuffed egos of his "self", the mind loses its compulsive quality, which mainly manifests itself as a tiresome habit of blame and, thereby, to resist what is, and that creates conflict, drama and new pain. In fact, at the very moment when, through the adoption of what is, you cease to judge, it becomes free from the mind. That you create the space for love, for joy, for peace and quiet. First of all, stop condemning himself, then stop condemn partner. The most powerful catalyst for change in relations is the full acceptance of his partner as he is, freed from the need to condemn or to remake it one way or syak. It immediately makes you beyond ego. All the mind games finished, done away with the affection and dependence. There are no more victims and abusers, judges and prisoners. This will put an end to any interdependence, become involved in the implementation of and complicity in the implementation of someone else's unconscious behavior, and thus put an end to the continuation of all this. Then you either are separating - in love - or even further along will leave at the moment is now - in being. Really, so simple? Yes, that simple. 

Love - is a state of being. Your love is not outside - it is deep within you. You never lose it, but she will never leave you. It does not depend on any external shape, or any other body who turned down beside you. In the calm of your presence you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as undeveloped life, and that fills your physical body. Then you get to deeply feel the same life in any other man, and even any other creature. You look behind the scenes of forms and their disunity. This is the realization of one-in-common. This is love. 

What is God? This is an eternal one-in-One Life outside and inside all life forms. What is love? This is the feeling that this one-in-One Life deep within yourself and within all beings. What does it mean to love? That means - to be love. Because all love - a love Boga.Lyubov not selective, as well as indiscriminate sunlight. She nobody checks and does not special. Love is not exclusive. Exclusivity - this is not the love of God is "love" of ego. However, the force with which the love is felt can vary. It happens that a man reflects to you sent you love is clearer and stronger than others, and if that person is experiencing the same feelings towards you, then we can say that you are with him or her in romantic relationships. Communication that connects you with this person, the same that connects you with any other, say, sitting side by side in the bus, or a bird or a tree or a flower. The only difference is in force, that you feel. 

Even in some of the other dependent relations are times when shines through them something real, something worthwhile for the interdependence of the needs in each other. These are moments when both your mind and mind your partner for a short time stops, and body pain becomes dormant

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